Danish christening translation needed for Anna Hansdatter #MNF1-MMP
I'm searching for the christening record of Anna Hansdatter, christened in March 1787 in Stokkemarke Parish. Her father is Hans Jörg. Ericksen. Can you translate the feast date and the Danish christening date? Is the farm name Keldervig? Aside from the witnesses, what does it say after the father's name?
The record is image 263 on page 185 at bottom right in Stokkemarke.
Thank you for your help!
Beste Antworten
Eod die [same day] which is "5. Søndag i Fasten" [= fifth sunday of the Fast, also "Feast of the Annunciation"]
In 1787 that day was the 25. March!
Hans Jørgensen Ericksens Barn i Kielderness [modern Keldernæs in Stokkemarke Parish].
Baaren af Christopher Møllers pige [carried by Christopher Møller's (servant) girl], ibid [= same place].
Testes [latin for "baptism witnesses"]:
Rasmus Grundt. Mads Kiep. Jørgen Knudsen. Henrick S...'s kone og Niels Jonsons kone, alle i Kielder [probably Keldernæs where all the witnesses are from].
Link to Arkivalieronline (page 96, bottom right): https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17118784#156855,26297393
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Your link didn't work for some reason. The record is here: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L94W-XQC6?i=262&cc=2078555&cat=305411
The feast date is "Eod. Die" which is Latin for "Eodem Die = on the same date (as the previous record)". The previous record says the same thing, so you have to go to the previous record for the date which is "5te Søndag i Faste = 5th Sunday in Fast" which is 25 March in 1787. See Denmark Feast Day Calendar here: https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Denmark:_Moveable_Feast_Days_in_1787.
You have probably already figured out that the "8" next to her name is to indicate that she is the 8th girl born in the parish that year.
The word after the father's name is "Barn = child".
Transcription down to the witnesses names: "Hans Jørg: Erichsens Barn i Kieldernæs. Baaren af Christopher Møllers Kone ibi(de)m."
Translation: Hans Jørg. Erichsen's child in Kieldernæs. Held (during the christening/baptism) by Christopher Møller's wife of the same place."
Fortunately, Anna was born in 1787 and there was a census taken that year in Denmark. The family can be viewed in that census here in Danish Family Search: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/cid402469. You can click on the "Original Source" tab to see the original census record.
I believe the original census says that this is his (Hans Jørgen's) 2nd marriage and his wife's (Kirstine's) 1st marriage.
I want to thank both of you for your very helpful translation. I'm still uncertain when to look at the Feast Days Calendar or the Movable Feast Days calendar!