Bavaria German Script Family Record (FS-DS)
the personal data of the document are as follows:
Hauner, Michael born here on 2 December 1850, died 17.2.1927 here, son of the deceased carpenter married, Mathias and Anna Hauner widowed Neubauer née Kircheßner of here and Franziska Fehr born here on 11 June 1853 illegally, the Maria Fehr, day laborer daughter of Regenstauf now married Ellmann of here.
Married here on 12 June 1877.
Religion both Catholic
Ludwig Mich. here, 24.3. 1878
Johann , ditto, 20.3.1881
Hermann, ditto, 5.7.1882
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Noch ein Nachtrag:
Eintrag des Todes: Franziska Fehr starb am 6.6.1927 hier