A recent question about a Welsh medieval database is worth a whole new thread. This is a question that only comes up occasionally. There are a lot of sources available to help you with Welsh family history and the early pedigrees and genealogies are especially valuable for Wales.
A database of 272,000 in 136,000 families has been compiled and put online at FamilySearch. The Welsh database is listed with similar compilations at https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Community_Trees_Project with a few details about each set of trees. What makes these trees unique is that they can't be changed by the general public. The beginning source for the Welsh Medieval Database was the Peter C. Bartrum trees. There are 767 manuscript sources used to create , document and verify this series of family groups. It is not complete but does bring together many excellent sources such as the Bartrum pedigrees and the Golden Grove pedigrees. Everyone researching Welsh families before 1700 should have the Welsh Medieval Database on their list of records to search.
Very interesting Darris and great sources!
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Hi Darris,
I thought I saw the tithe records on some fee based websites but didn't have time to check them out yet. [Still working full time] But I am wondering if you have a list yet where they arecoming online, free or fee?
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Also I did go into the Welch Medieval Community and search the earliest Welch relatives I had [1700-1730. Nothing found. It looked to me like I need to be back to the 1500's for that file.
So here is another question. Can you tell us the best sources for our peasant recorded about that time? I haven't figured out hose to do the Manor House records online? Can one do that online yet? Thanks
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The Welsh Medieval Database does have a few people in the mid to late 1700s but you are correct, most lived earlier.
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Thank you for this post.