Please could anyone translate this birth record for me?
Felice Martellotta born 1873 Monopoli pg 207 # 565
- Registered 1873-11-30 @ 17:30;
- Father and declarant: Vitantonio Martellotta*, son of the deceased Marino, 65, property-owning sharecroper, living in Monopoli;
- Birthdate: 1873-11-29 @ 19:00;
- Wife: Anna Valentini, of [the living] Francesco, same residence;
- Son's name: Felice.
* The record was amended on 1893-09-27 to correct the father's name as such. Originally, it read 'Antonio Vito'. There is another margin note that seems to be an indication of marriage, but maybe some other members could parse that better.
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Acte de naissance de MARTELLOTTA Felice
L'an 1873 le 30 novembre, commune de Monopoli, est comparu Antonio Vito MARTELLOTTA, fils du défunt Marino, âgé de 65 ans, agriculteur propriétaire domicilié à Monopoli, a présenté un enfant masculin, né le 29 du mois, de lui et de son épouse Anna VALENTINI, fille de Francesco, et a déclaré vouloir lui donner le nom de Felice.
Déclaration faite en présence des témoins, Vito Lonardo (Leonardo ?) MORETTI, fils de Pietro, âgé de 59 ans, cordonnier, et de Marcantonio (Marc Antoine) LA PENNA ?, fils de défunt Paolo Vito, 64 ans tailleur, domiciliés dans cette commune.
Mention marginale :
La sentence du tribunal de Bari du 27 septembre 1893, le présent acte de naissance est rectifié pour le nom du père en "Vitantonio" (Vito Antonio) au lieu de Antonio Vito.
Birth certificate of MARTELLOTTA Felice The year 1873 on November 30, municipality of Monopoli, appeared Antonio Vito MARTELLOTTA, son of the deceased Marino, 65 years old, farmer owner domiciled in Monopoli, presented a male child, born on the 29th of the month, of him and his wife Anna VALENTINI, daughter of Francesco, and declared that he wanted to give her the name of Felice. Declaration made in the presence of the witnesses, Vito Lonardo (Leonardo?) MORETTI, son of Pietro, aged 59, shoemaker, and Marcantonio (Marc Antoine) LA PENNA?, son of the deceased Paolo Vito, 64 years old tailor, domiciled in this common (city). Marginal mention : The sentence of the court of Bari of September 27, 1893, the present birth certificate is rectified for the name of the father in "Vitantonio" (Vito Antonio) instead of Antonio Vito.
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The marriage annotation is to Rosa Valentini on 27 Mar 1897:
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Thank you all so much for the translations, I really appreciate it. Would you know if this is a common practice to have a name change this late in life and what for? Any comments of what you think.?
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It's more likely a clerical error. Find his birth certificate to see for sure.
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The 1893 correction was made to 12 children's birth records going back to 1851:
The orders only say that the father's name was erroneously written as Antonio Vito rather than Vitantonio in each instance.
Copies of the individual orders are available here, images 2002-2013: