another 1761 Bavarian death record translation
Kunigunda, Johann Christoph Schmidts, Tagelöhners und Einwohners allhier, eheliche Hausfrau und 6 Wöchnerin, ist gestorben Sonntag den 17.ten Maii, zu früh um halb 8 Uhr. Ihres Alters: 30 Jahr 6 Mo. Begraben eodem die in der Stille.
Kunigunda, legitimate wife of Johann Christoph Schmidt, day laborer and resident here, in childbed for 6 weeks, died on Sunday the 17th of May at half past 7 in the morning. Her age 30 years, 6 mo[nths]. Buried the same day in silence.
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Does this mean that she had a baby 6 weeks prior?
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See comment for Conrad's death record.
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