marriage record
Hello @CherylNath,
The groom and bride were blood relatives in the third degree (most likely cousins) and had to obtain dispensation/permission to marry because of this relationship.
The abbreviation "Jgf" = Jungfrau = maiden, virgin, miss.
The very last part of the record is a bit cryptic to me so hopefully another volunteer can help with that.
On the 26th of November Claus Ruge and maiden Anna Margretha Krusen, both from Lemkenhafen (who were engaged in Landkirchen and married in Burg where they reside) after obtaining royal dispensation because of a blood relationship in the 3rd degree and certified payment? of 12 ___? [were married] at home.
My comments: The part in bold is what I am not sure of.
The places Landkirchen and Burg are very close to Lemkenhafen. Landkirchen is approximately two miles east/northeast of Lemkenhafen. Burg is approximately four miles east of Lemkenhafen.
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... und bescheinigter Erlegung der 12 ... im Hause.
"bescheinigte Erlegung" is a certified payment - so the abbreviation after 12 will be some sort of currency. Unfortunately I am not familiar with the currencies in the region ... and the year is not mentioned 😒 - whenever a section of a document is uploaded, the exact source (and this includes the year) should be mentioned (1590-1971 is absolutely meaningless).
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Thank you for your wonderful translations. I posted the discussion and then realized I had not put the date on it. I am sorry for that. I will try and do better- Cheryl Nath You used to be able to reply to those who translated , but do not know where that button went, so will put it here.
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You're welcome, Cheryl.