Please Help Translate this 1826 Marriage Record
This appears to be the marriage record of my 3rd ggrandfather, Christoph Wiese b. 1796) and his wife, Carolina Gorkoski. We have her name later as Turkowski. I have never been able to find either of their parents' names, so would appreciate all the details in the script here. Maybe something will be a clue.
I see Christoph Wiese age 30 and est. b. 1796 and Carolina age 24 est. b. 1802 from the indexing. I also see they were married at the church in Zempelburg, Flatow, West Prussia and someone was or is living in Zahn. Lots of little words there that need translation. I know it is difficult. Thank you!
Getrauet 1826. Eintaus. Achthund. Sechs und Zwanzig.
Achten 8ten Januar Junggesell Christoph Wiese Knecht mit der Unterförster Tochter Jungfer Carolina Gorkoski. Braut Trauschein vom Zeug. Gericht, weil seit 3 Jahren noch keine Vormundschaft eingeleitet war, und ich die Braut für jünger hielt, da sie keinen Taufschein hatte.
Married 1826. One thousand Eighthundred Six and twenty.
On 8th of January bachelor Christoph Wiese, farmhand, with the sub-forester's daughter maiden Carolina Gorkoski. Marriage certificate for the bride from the __? Court because no guardianship had been initiated for 3 years, and I thought the bride was younger, since she had no baptismal certificate.
age, residence of the groom: 30, Zahn
age, residence of the bride: 24, there (the same).