Greetings, does someone have time for translation, please. Thank you
Maria Juliana Elisabetha Röschlein, 3. ehel. ledige Tochter des Bäckermeisters und Spezereihändlers Johann Röschlein zu Reichelsdorf aus seiner ersten Ehe mit der verstorbenen Friederike, geb. Bauer von Zirndorf,
sind an den S. Septuag., Sexag. a Estomihi a.c. in hiesiger Kirche vor versammelter Gemeinde proclamirt und, da kein Einspruch geschah, am S. Invocavit, dem vierzehnten Februar Eintausend schthundert neun und sechzig /: 14. Februar 1869 :/, beide Brautleute im Kranze, in hiesige Kirche in der Stille getraut worden.-
/: Verehelichungs=Erlaubniß des k. Bezirksamts Bayreuth d.d. 19. Januar 1869 :/ -
Heimath: Sophienthal.-
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Maria Juliana Elisabetha Röschlein, ledig, A.C., 29 3/4 J. alt
1) Kasp. Meßthaler, Gütl. zu Reichelsd., der Brautschwager;
2) Stephan Röschlein, Lohnarbeiter daselbst, der Brautbruder;
3) Schull. Rabenstein als Kirchendiener.
Maria Juliana Elisabetha Röschlein, 3rd legitimate unmarried daughter of the master baker and grocer Johann Röschlein of Reichelsdorf from his first marriage with the deceased Friederike née Bauer of Zirndorf,
have been proclamated on the Sundays Septuagesimae, Sexagesimae and Estomihi of the current year in the local church before the assembled congregation and, since there was no objection, were married in silence in local church on Sunday Invocavit, the fourteenth of February One thousand one hundred nine and sixty /: 14. February 1869 :/, both bride and groom in the wreath. -
/: Marriage permit of the Royal District Office Bayreuth of 19. January 1869 :/ - -
Home: Sophienthal. -
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Maria Juliana Elisabetha Röschlein, single, lutheran, 29 3/4 years old.
1) Kaspar Meßthaler, farmer in Reichelsdorf, the bride's brother-in-law;
2) Stephan Röschlein, wage worker there, the bride's brother;
3) School teacher Rabenstein as church servant.
This marriage record seems a bit strange to me as no details of the groom are given?
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Agree, very strange. They give a lot of details about everything else. Thank you for your time.