Please help in translating
Hello @jennifervollmer1,
The resolution of the image is too low making it near impossible to read. Can you please provide an image with higher resolution or perhaps a link to the image?
P.S. It's always a good idea after posting an image to go back and look at it to make sure it is legible.
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Thank you. Good idea. I will try to get a link.
Here are two links. Two recorded copies of the same event. They are slightly different though we think they are the same marriage event.
They both have to be viewed at a family history library though.
Thank you!
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I have studied the translating that you people have done for others and decided to try it on my own, but there are words that I do not recognize and I could use some help with some names and occupations too. I am trying to learn. :)
Here is a link to a hopefully more readable copy.
I have some copies that I can upload once I get back to a Family History Center if needed.
Please check over my translation and especially help with the items that are bolded.
Thank you! Jen Vollmer
Marriage of Johann Anton Donant and Elisabeta Franziska Nenninger 5 February 1828 Mosbach, Germany
From the Germany, Württemberg, Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Catholic Church Records, 1520-1975. Marriage place: Neckarsulm, Württemberg, Deutschland.
Zahl der Trauungen im Jahr
Number of the Wedding in the year
Namen des Brautigams und der Braut.
Names of the Bridegroom and the Bride.
Johann Anton Donant und (and) Elisbeta Franziska Nenninger .
Stand, Charakter, Profession, Aufenthalts Ort, Religion.
Status, Character, Profession, Residence Location, Religion.
Bürger und Tünchner Dahier; Kath.
Citizen and whitewasher here; Catholic.
Sie. Tünchners Tochter von Moßbach; Kath.
Her. Whitewasher’s daughter from Mosbach; Catholic.
Weitz (Wheat grower or dealer) Peter Dionÿs Donant, Maria Anna geboren (born) Müller.
Joseph Nenninger Tünchner und (and) Bürger in Moßbach. Maria Anna geboren (born) Kirchgeösßner von (from) Moßbach.
Ledig oder vernö… im letzten Ja.. auch der Name der ftorbenen Gatte.
Singe or (widow?) in the (last year?) also the name of deceased husband.
Brid Ledig
Bride single
Geboren wann und wo?
Born when and where?
Er: 28 März 1803 Dahier.
Him: 28 March (I am wondering if it is Mai but the last letter comes below the line so I think it is March?) 1803 here.
Sie: Das 12 Febr: 1806 in Moßbach.
Her: The 12 February: 1806 in Mosbach.
Datum der Künigl. Erlaubniß zum Heirathen, wo diese erfordert nird.
Date of the Official permission to the wedding, where this requires (none?)
Ort und Zeit der
Location and Time of
Neckarsulm und (and) Moßbach
Der (the) 2nd, 3rd, und (and) 4th Sarte
p. Eyiytzre: Dg (the) 13th, 20th, 27th Jäner (January) 1828.
Mosßbach Der (the) 5th Februär (February) 1828.
Geistlicher, der die Trauung Verrichtete.
Clergyman who performed the wedding.
Vertzgt und (and) Dahier (here) in Moßbach Georg Maezeth.
Zeugen der Copulation.
Witnesses of the Marriage.
Carmend Müller Mangärter von (from) Neckarsulm.
Sebastian Hazzuns Bürger (citizen) und (and) Aeder in Zajofeld.
Johanes Nenninger Bürger (citizen) in Moßbach.
Seiten zahl des Familien-Registers.
Page Number of the Family Register.
I 343
Question: Do you know where to find these family registers? Are they the Familien Karte?
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It seems that whenever I use a link back to Familysearch that the image is unreadable. Sadly, these records have a technology agreement that does not allow you to directly connect them, but to see them you have to be in a family history center. Is there another location where I might be able to find these records besides the Familysearch Catalog?
I have come a long way on figuring this out, but definitely have some questions on spots, and help would be greatly appreciated if I can get a more clear copy loaded on here? Maybe even ideas on document formats to save things as that are usually more clear? Or would taking a picture on my phone be clearer? I haven't tried that yet, but would be taking a picture of a computer screen, because the technology agreement does not allow printing. I have been using the snipping tool to get a screen picture to get translation help. I think that is where I am losing the clarity. Possibly I could pull it up at the Family History Center and share a screen with someone with the helper tool?
I have two more documents that are mostly done that I could use some help in getting parts of them figured out...
Thanks for any ideas!
Jen Vollmer
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On you'll find a short description how to download a page with original resolution.
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Hello Jennifer,
I was able to read one of the copies. Here are my comments on the bolded parts:
Ledig oder verwittwet im leztern Fall auch der Name des verstorbenen Gatte.
Singel or widowed in the latter case also the name of deceased husband.
Beide Ledig
Both single
Er: 28 May 1803 Dahier.
Him: 28 May (I am wondering if it is Mai but the last letter comes below the line so I think it is March?) 1803 here.
Datum der Königl. Erlaubniß zum Heirathen, wo diese erfordert wird.
Date of the Royal permission to the wedding, where this is required
Der (the) 2nd, 3rd, und (and) 4th Sonnt[ag]
p. Epiphan[ias]: Der (the) 13th, 20th, 27th Jäner (January) 1828.
Predigt(?) und (and) Dahier (here) in Moßbach Georg Marguth.
Konrad Müller Weingärtner von (from) Neckarsulm.
Sebastian Hägging(?) Bürger (citizen) und (and) Bäcker(?) in Jagstfeld.
I could now also read the second clip which comes from a different churchbook and is somewhat clearer.
The bride's mother is Maria Anna geb. Kirchgäßner
The clergyman is Stdpfr (Stadtpfarrer) und Dekan in Moßbach Georg Mangoth
The second witness is Sebastian Hugguch(?) Bürger und Bader in Jagstfeld
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Thank you so much to both of you!!!
I cannot tell you how excited I am to get this help. I am so glad you were able to read better some of the copies Ulrich.
And I will follow that link so I can get original resolution images and get some more help in finishing translating these other two documents that I am almost done getting to my personal best in figuring out.
Thank you so very much!