translation help
I tried to decipher the following yellow-circled entry and came up with something that doesn't make sense. Would someone look at it and correct me where wrong?
My transcription:
Starb Hanss Ruhl, welcher alhier von ehrlieben den Eltern geboren anno 1626 hat er sich mit der ersten frauen vierheirat mit deren 2 kinder gezeuget, davon keinns mehr bei leben. Nach ablieben derersten frauen, hatt er sich mit der andere verlobt, und nach abstrerben der selbigen mit seiner in zu? hinderlassen wittib.
My interpretation:
Hanss Ruhl, who was born here of honorable parents, died in 1626. He married his first wife and had 2 children, none of whom are still alive. After the surviving of the first wife, he got engaged with the other, and after the death of the same with his widow.
It looks like the priest is saying that Hanss was born in 1626 and died in 1637 but was married twice?
Thanks, Terry
Hello Terry,
your transcription and translation is almost perfect. There are some small changes which alter the meaning of the record.
Den 12. Decembris starb Hanss Ruhel, welcher alhie von ehrliebenden Eltern geboren. Anno 1626 hat er sich mit der ersten Frauen verheirathet mit deren 2 Kinder gezeuget, davon keines mehr bei leben. Nach ableiben der ersten Frauen, hatt er sich mit der andere verlobt, und nach absterben derselbigen mit seiner inzund hinderlassenen wittib.
My translation:
Hanss Ruhel, who was born here of honorable parents, died on December 12. In 1626 he married the first wife and had 2 children, none of whom are still alive. After the death of the first wife, he got engaged with the second, and after the death of her [he got engaged] with his now surviving widow.
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Again, thank you so much for your help and how kindly you give it. One of these days maybe I won't make so many mistakes in transcribing.