Hrabkov, Slovakia (Harapkó in Hungarian)
I am looking for records from Hrabkov (Harapkó) Slovakia from 1825. I have been unable to find any records from that city. Have these been indexed?
I am looking for birth information for Joannes Matecsik.
Thank you.
Hrabkó (or Hrapkó, later Harapkó, now Hrabkov, Slovakia) in Sáros county had no church locally, so there are no records to find from this village.
Dvorzsák ( says RC (which was basically everybody) was recorded in Szent-Kereszt (Krížovany). He also says that the 5 GC residents were recorded in Klembérk (Klenov), and if there had been any Lutherans, they'd have gone to Német-Jakabvágás (Chminianske Jakubovany).
FamilySearch has browsable images of the RC register from Szent-Kereszt from 1792 to 1895 ( Some part of each film has been indexed as well. (Likely just the baptisms.)
The closest to "Joannes Matecsik 1825" that the index is willing to cough up is a Joannes Marusak born on 1 March 1824 ( It looks to be mostly-correctly indexed to me. (The mother's surname is Majertsin, not Magertsin, and I read the father's surname as Marussak.) Their residence is indicated to be Hrapko.