Transcription/ Translation Request for 1866 Hamburg paternity document
I recently obtained a document that I would like to get transcribed into German as well as translated to English.
The document concerns the attempt by Markus Roze to have his paternity of the child Gustav Adolph Carl legally quashed. Markus claimed the child’s father was not him but his co-worker. The child was born in 1866 to his wife Elisabeth in 1866 and subsequently died later the same year.
I will attach the cover and two pages of the document which is labelled “Protest von Markus Roze gegen die Eintragung der Geburt eines Kindes seiner Frau als eheliches”.
Thank you very much if you can help me with this document which is important for my research.
Regards, Ian
Beste Antwort
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d: 5 October 1866
Der Registerführer Hinsch, in Eimsbüttel, zeigt an: Die Ehefrau des hiesigen Schutzbürgers u. Lackierers Markus Roze, namens Elisabeth Juliane Henriette geb: Niemeyer, wohnhaft Eimsbüttel, Eppendorfer Weg No. 9, habe am 18 Septbr d:J. ein Kind geboren, und nun weigere sich der Ehemann Roze, dieses Kind auf seinen Namen in die Geburts=Register eintragen zu lassen, indem er behaupte, daß dasselbe von seiner Ehefrau im Ehebruch mit seinem Gesellen Heinrich Asmus Tank, aus Rahenkirchen, in Schleswig, erzeugt worden.
Hinsch bittet um hochlandherrliche Instruction, weil die Unterschrift des pp Roze in der gesetzlichen Form nicht zu erlangen sei.
Zu bemerken ist, daß die Roze'schen Eheleute bisher noch zusammen gewohnt haben.
J:C: Schmidt
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C. Herbeschaffung des Copulationsscheins und sodann Vorladung von Roze und Frau.
1866 d: 9 Octobr: ist ein Interims=Copulationsschein der Roze'schen Eheleute eingeliefert worden.
Donnerstag, d: 11 Octobr: 1866
Vorgeladen: Markus Roze, in Person.
Er wohne zwar mit seiner Frau in demselben Hause, habe aber schon seit anderthalb Jahren keinen Umgang mehr mit ihr gehabt; d. Wohg? seyn getrennt; er habe mit seiner Frau verabredet sich scheiden zu lassen, der Advocat habe aber zu viel Kostenvorschuß verlangt.
Erk. daß das Kind auf den Namen des Roze als dessen eheliches Kind einzutragenErk. daß nach Maßgabe des Copulationsscheins d.d. Eppendorf v. 12 Decb 1864, nach welchem Markus Roze am 11 Decbr desselb Jahres mit Elisabeth Juliane Henriette Niemeyer copulirt worden, das von der vorgedachten Ehefrau Roze am 18 Sept d.J. geborene Kind als eheliches Kind des Markus Roze in d Ragister einzutragen und von Unterzeichnung der Eintragung den vorkommenden Umständen nach abzusehen, auch d Frau Roze zu befugen sey, die Vornamen des Kindes zu bestimmen, wobei auf dagegen__ten dem Register beigelegten Bescheid(?) zu verweisen(?) ist. Uebrigens bleiben hinsichtlich der bestrittenen Vaterschaft beiden Theilen ihre auf dem Rechtswege geltend zu machenden Rechte vorbehalten.
<signature> K___
1866 d: 11 October: Abschrift dem Registerführer Hinsch zugestellt.
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5 October 1866
The registrar Hinsch in Eimsbüttel notifies: The wife of the local inhabitant and varnisher Markus Roze with the name Elisabeth Juliane Henriette née Niemeyer, residing in Eimsbüttel, Eppendorfer Weg No. 9, gave birth to a child on 18 September 1866, and now the husband Roze refuses to have this child registered in his name in the birth register, claiming that it was produced by his wife in adultery with his journeyman Heinrich Asmus Tank, from Rahenkirchen <Comment: should probably be Rabenkirchen>, in Schleswig.
Hinsch asks for instruction of the high sovereignty, because the signature of Roze could not be obtained in the legal form.
It should be noted that the Roze spouses have lived together until now.
<signature> J:C: Schmidt
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To obtain the copulation certificate and then to summon Roze and wife.
<signature> Kirchenpaner
9 October 1866: an interim marriage certificate of the Roze spouses has been submitted.
Thursday, 11 October 1866
Summoned: Markus Roze, in person.
[States that] He lives with his wife in the same house, but has had no contact with her for a year and a half; the dwellings are separated; he has agreed with his wife to divorce, but the lawyer has demanded too much advance on costs.
Decree that the child is to be registered in the name of Roze as his legitimate child.Decree that, according to the marriage record of 12 December 1864 in Eppendorf, according to which Markus Roze was married with Elisabeth Juliane Henriette Niemeyer on 11 December of the same year, the child born to the aforementioned wife Roze on 18 September of this year is to be registered as a legitimate child of Markus Roze and to desist from the signature of the registration in view of the circumstances, also to authorize Mrs. Roze to determine the first names of the child, whereby reference(?) is to be made to the decision attached to the register. Incidentally, with regard to the disputed paternity, both parties reserve their rights to be asserted by legal action.
<signature> K___
11 October 1866: copy delivered to the registrar Hinsch.
Thanks for your help with this transcription. This document is important evidence as well as being an important piece of family history which is seeing the light of day after 150 years that I can share with family here.
I can't thank you enough.
Best regards, Ian