Requesting a review of my attempt to translate German Birth record to English
Hello Herb,
You did GREAT with your translation! Keep up the good work.
Here is my translation which you can compare with yours. You'll notice that in some instances I rearranged the word order so it made more since to an English reader. You'll also notice I changed numbers in dates, years, and time which are written as words into the actual numbers. This is simply my preference as it is simpler and clearer than writing out the numbers as words.
No. 48.
Ratzebuhr, on the 14th of May 1884.
Before the undersigned civil registrar appeared today, the personality of whom is known, the midwife Bertha Engfer, née Barz, living at Ratzebuhr, [blank] religion, and indicated that from Henriette Dux, née Raddatz, wife of the owner Friedrich Dux, who immigrated to America, both Evangelical religion, living at Ratzebuhr, at Ratzebuhr in her apartment on the 14th of May of the year 1884, in the morning at 4:30 am a child of the female gender was born who received the forenames Martha Anna Christiane. Mrs. Engfer stated that she was present at Mrs. Dux's childbirth/delivery.
Read out, approved, and signed: Bertha Engfer.
The Civil Registrar: Hoffmann.
Certified to be in agreement with the Main Register, Ratzebuhr, on the 14th of May 1884.
The Civil Registrar: Hoffmann.
My comment: You'll see that you captured the essence of this birth record in your translation. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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No. 48
Ratzebuhr am 14ten Mai 1884
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt, die Hebeamme Bertha Engfer, geborene Barz, wohnhaft zu Ratzebuhr, -- Religion, und zeigte an, daß von der Henriette Dux geborenen Raddatz, Ehefrau des nach Amerika verzogenen Besitzers Friedrich Dux, beide evangelischer Religion, wohnhaft zu Ratzbuhr, zu Ratzbuhr in ihrer Wohnung am vierzehnten Mai des Jahres tausend acht hundert vier und achtzig, Vormittags um vier ein halb Uhr ein Kind weiblichen Geschlechts geboren worden sei, welches die Vornamen Martha, Anna, Christiane erhalten habe. Die Frau Engfer erklärte, daß sie bei der Niederkunft der p. Dux zugegen gewesen sei.
Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben Bertha Engfer
Der Standesbeamte
Die Uebereinstimmung mit dem Hauptregister beglaubigt
Ratzebuhr am 14ten Mai 1884
Der Standesbeamte
No. 48
Ratzebuhr on the 14th of May 1884
Before the undersigned registrar appeared today, personally known, the midwife Bertha Engfer née Barz, resident in Ratzebuhr, <blank> religion, and indicated that a child of the female gender was born on 14 May 1884 at 4:30 a.m. by Henriette Dux née Raddatz, wife of the owner Friedrich Dux who had moved to America, both of Protestant religion, residents in Ratzbuhr, at Ratzbuhr in her home, who received the given names Martha, Anna, Christiane. Mrs. Engfer stated that she had been present at the delivery of p. Dux.
Read out, approved and signed
Bertha Engfer
The registrar
The conformity with the main register certifies
Ratzebuhr on the 14th of May 1884
The registrar
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Many, many thanks!!!!!