translation help
I would like help translating a document. The name in the record is Carl Eduard Hofer
Here's the translation. I couldn't figure out the occupation of the second witness.
Carl Eduard Höfer, son of local master Tuchscherer [he cuts the long, unequal wool fibers from the roughened woven fabric] and citizen Carl Heinrich Höfer and wife Annalin née Eschke from Neustadt an der Orla.
Born on Sunday, 16 November at 11:30 o’clock at night
Baptized on Sunday, 16 November by Mr. Archid. Memke.
Godparents: 1.) master Gottlieb Fuchs, tenant of the local Herrnmühle [a certain mill], 2.) Mrs. Wilhelmine, wife of Mr. Ferdinand Trompler, local princely [Stallstourier ? - possibly something to do with stables, or something totally different], 3.) master Eduard Sch?render, local citizen and Tuchmacher [cloth maker]