2nd opinion LATIN to ENGLISH
Hanß Nicolaus Ball, "Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971" • FamilySearch
this record is indexed as Ulrich Ball with son Hans Nicolas Ball the birthdate matches Hans Nicolas Ulrich K6CZ-B72 with father Gali Henrici Ulrich GW2C-HHV
I cannot read Ulrich Ball or Gali Ulrich in this record. Was this indexed incorrectly?
What do you think?
Thank you very much
I see Ulrich as definitely the surname of the father. The indexer reversed the forename and surname and so gave the son the incorrect surname also.
It also looks like the father's forename starts with a G rather than a B. It's an unusual G but I see Thodes shows one very much like it as one variation of an uppercase G.
If I were transcribing the fathers name it would be "Gall Ulrich" but I suppose one could argue that the final letter is not an l because it is written a bit differently than other l's in the record. But it is also written differently than other i's in the record.
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The baptism record for Hans Nicolaus is the third on the right page. The (German) text is the following:
d 23. hujus. Nachmittag umb 7 Uhr ist dem Gall Ulrich und seiner Frauen Magdalena ein Knäbl. zur Welt gebohren und d 29 Dito getaufft und Hanß Nicolaus genannt worden. Sein Taufpaat ist geweßen Hanß Nicolaus Kauffmann ledig Standts welcher ihm diesen Nahmen mitgetheillet hat.
on the 23rd of this [month, i.e. February] in the afternoon at 7 o'clock a little boy was born to Gall Ulrich and his wife Magdalena and was baptized on the 29th of the same and named Hans Nicolaus. The baptismal sponsor was Hans Nicolaus Kauffmann, unmarried, who gave him this name.
The first letter of the father's forname is a G as you can see by comparing it to the female name Gertraudt in the second record on the left page.
Gall is indeed a (quite rare) male forname, see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall_(Name). It is actually more frequent as a surname, whereas Ulrich is usually a first name (but also exists as a family name).