Marriage translation please. Postbauer-Heng, Neumarkt, Oberpfalz, Bayern area
The record is for Fridericus Pellet & Anna Maria Beck. Please translate for me. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Hello @Deanna Kleymann Hammond,
This marriage record is written in Latin rather than German. I'll attempt a translation which should at least give you a good sense of who's who in this record.
On the 9th of November [1779].
Having been sent out in front of the church before the solemn mass at 10:00 am, were joined together [married] at Heng:
Groom: Fridericus Pellet, shoemaker in Postbauer, widower.
Bride: Anna Maria Beckin, single/unmarried daughter of Adami Beck, tailor in Köstlbach, of pious memory [i.e., deceased], and Barbara.
Officiating Priest: the same [as written above] [Joan. Bapt. Krazer, SS. Theologiae and SS. Can. Cand.]
Witnesses: Georgius Sigismundis Mayr, half-farmer in Köstlbach, and Wilibaldus Pellet, weaver in Kemnat [Kemnath].
Comment: The introductory statement could mean that the couple was married in front of the congregation before the mass took place at 10:00 am. The word "praemissus" translates as "send out" but it also translates as "previously published", so the introductory statement could refer to the marriage proclamations having been announced in front of the church at an earlier time, and now on 9 November 1779 the couple is getting married.
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Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. God bless you for your service.
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You're welcome, Deanna.