Am I handling 'ein' correctly?
This is my third transcription/translation for my ancestor David Singer. I think I pretty much nailed it, but am not sure about how the 'ein' gets handled -- assuming I have transcribed it correctly. It doesn't seem to require appearing on its own in the translation, is that correct? Any errors in my transcription?
From Register entitled: 1780-1794. Kirchen: Protocoll der Evangelitch-Reformirten Gemeinde zu Mühlhofen
Anno 1782. Copulirte und Proclamirte.
Tag der Hochzeit: den 19tn Hornung
Name und Stand des Bräutigams: David Singer burger zu Mühlhofen
Uebrige Umstände: der Balthasar Singer, gewesener burgers. Ein wohnend zu Appenhofen hinterlassen ehelich ledigen sohn, und Maria Anna Gehlin, des Johannes Gehlen, burgers. Ein wohnend in Mühlhofen, ehelich ledige Tochter
Year 1782. Marriages and Proclamations.
Marriage date: 19 February
Name and Occupation of the Groom: David Singer, citizen in Mühlhofen
Other details: Surviving legitimate unmarried son of Balthasar Singer [deceased], formerly citizen residing in Appenhofen, and Maria Anna Gehl, legitimate unmarried daughter of Johannes Gehlen, citizen residing in Mühlhofen.
* '''Marriage''': "Germany,
Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971"<br/>Citing
Marriage, Billigheim, Bergzabern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland, Alsenz,
Altenbamberg, Asselheim, Billigheim u Dernbach, German Lutheran Collection,
various parishes,
FamilySearch] (accessed 15 March
FamilySearch Image] Image number 00289<br/>Name: Siegers; Marriage Date:
1782; Marriage Place: Billigheim, Bergzabern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland;
Church Name: Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Alsenz (BA. Rockenhausen); Misc Note: Heiraten, Tote, Taufen u Konfirmationen 1715-1895; Source Contract Nbr: 192/1.
FamilySearch image not currently available, so downloaded images below from
Hello Tom,
In both places the word is actually "Einwohner" = inhabitant.
In the second example the word is hyphenated across the end of of one line and the beginning of the next line: Ein- wohner. Note what appears to be a small angled equal sign [=] below "Ein"which indicates that the word is hyphenated.
The phrase "gewesener bürgerl[ich] Einwohner" = former middle-class inhabitant.
For the bride's father the phrase is: "bürgerl[ich] Einwohner" = middle-class inhabitant.
But note that your translations of these phrases work equally well.
Overall your translation is very good.
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@Robert Seal_1 : Thanks once again! Little by little...
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You're welcome, Tom. I think you are doing great!