Translate Obituary for Konrad Peter
I have an obituary for Konrad Peter from the Cincinnati, Ohio German Newspaper in 1902.
I am attaching the original plus what I think is an English translation. I would like to get a second opinion on the accuracy of the translation.
Also, I can't read the German text due to the font. If you could the German version in plain text that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Text of Translation:
Died 19 March, 10:20 PM after long heavy disease Konrad Peter, born in Kalkofen, Hohenzollern, age 42, 5 months and 11 days. Funeral will be on Friday 7:30 AM, starting from home, 128 Dorsey St, following ceremonious requiem at St. Johnnes Church.
The mourning wife and children.
Here's the plain text.
The translation seems correct to me although I can't verfiy if its 3 or 5 months
Starb am 19. März um 10.20 abends nach
langen schwerem Leiden Konrad Peter,
geboren in Kalkofen, Hohenzollern, im Alter
von 42 Jahren, 3[?] Monaten und 11 Tagen.
Beerdigung findet statt Freitag, um halb 8
Uhr morgens, vom Trauerhause aus, 128
Dorsey Str., worauf in der St. Johannes
Kirche ein feierliches Requiem celebrirt wird.
Die trauernde Gattin und Kinder.
Best rergards