Translation help
Attaching three documents.
Need help with translation of Maiden name on a church birth record (mother Emilie) and church death record for Emilie and the occupation of Julius Fenske who is the father and spouse.
The birth record is birth #21 for a Fredrich Wilhelm Julius. I need the birth date and mother's maiden name. I see Zi__k_
The death record is for three deaths #3, #7 and #8. Need dates of deaths and maiden name of Emilie. I see S__k_.
Also sending a death index from this church FHL#208024 for 3 Fenske's, Friedrich Wilhelm Julius and Emilie and a nameless son.
Thank you in advance, Myke Rachu
Good morning Myke,
First image: Mother's maiden name is: Zielke. Birth date is: 29 February 1836. Baptismal date is: 23 March 1836.
Second image: Emilie's maiden name is: Siemke.
Julius's occupation is: Müllergesell(e) = journeyman miller.