Help Translating Marriage Record
I am hoping that someone can translate this marriage record for Gottlieb Friske and Anna Rosina Blaesing. It is listed on line 10 of the record.
Also, I found a birth record that might be for Gottlieb Friske in a nearby town that coordinates with his age at the time of marriage that lists his father as Heinrich Friske. This marriage record was listed in the Poznan Marriage Project and indexed Gottlieb's father's name as Adam Friske, but I was wondering if you think it could really be a version of Heinrich?
Thank you!
Beste Antwort
Hello @JudyL
Translation (column headings in bold):
No. 10
Year and day of the wedding: 1851, 9 February
Name of the clergyman who performed the marriage ceremony: Held
Name, surname and gender of the married, place of residence, status and trade, also whether the ceremony was performed in the church or at home: The local resident Gottlieb Friske, youngest surviving son of the there late Adam Friske, resident of Grützendorf, with maiden Anna Rosina Blaesing here, middle surviving daughter of the late Mich Blaesing, resident of Neuwerder. Married in the church.
Whether they have already been married, likewise whether they are still under parents and guardians: Bridegroom as well as the bride have never been married. Both are of full age.
Age of the groom: 25 years, 2 months.
Age of bride: 30 years, 9 months
Religion of the groom: lutheran
Religion of the bride: lutheran
Consent of parents and guardians: The mother of the groom has consented, the bride's parents are deceased.
Notes: [blank]
To your question: Adam and Heinrich are really two different names; however it is possible that the father had both names and different ones were used in these records.
I just wanted to thank for translating yet another record for me! I really appreciate it. And, thank you for your input on his father's name. That is a good point. I'll keep looking for other records and see if I can figure that out.