Death 8 Oct 1751 Eva Margaretha Roosen
I need some help in correcting the many errors in my attempt at deciphering this record.
The record is entry 230 at top right of image 634 on familysearch film # 102060751.
left Column: Fraü Eva Margaretha Roosin
Den 8ten 8bris Morgens nach 8 ühr starb in ïhrem
Erlösser, nach aüs gestandener langwieriger pheurtzhaften?
kraus heil pruft? von seelig fraü Eva Margaretha
Roosin gebhoren Zinnsnerin?, herrn Johann
Paul Roosen Damahlegen Pfarrars dahier
eheliche ehefrau, ihres alters 59 jahr weniger
2 monath und? wachen von vier tag, ward den
10ten dito war Dom. 18 post trinit. nach mittag gegen
zweÿ uhr beÿ vold??? versammlung zum erde
T Joh: Paul Roos Maritus
Frid; Carl Roos alt Sohn
I would also greatly appreciate an english translation of this record.
Well done, Greg! Some minor corrections in bold. The line over the letter "u" is usually not a diacritical mark (ü) but a sign that this letter is an "u" and not an "n", which looks otherwise quite similar.
Den 8ten 8bris Morgens nach 8 Uhr starb in ïhrem
Erlößer, nach ausgestandener langwieriger schmertzhaften
Krankheit sanfft u[nd] seelig Frau Eva Margaretha
Roosin gebohrene Zinßnerin, Herrn Johann
Paul Roosen damahligen Pfarrars dahier
eheliche Ehefrau, ihres alters 59 jahr weniger
2 Monath und 2 Wochen u[nd] vier tag, ward den
10ten dito, war Dom. 18 post Trinit. nach mittag gegen
zweÿ uhr beÿ volkreicher Versammlung zur Erde
T Joh: Paul Roos Maritus
Frid; Carl Roos als Sohn
On 8 October after 8 a.m. Mrs Eva Margaretha Roos née Zinssner died gently and blissfully after long and painful illness. She was the wife of Mr Johan Paul Roos, former pastor here, and her age was 59 years minus 2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. She was buried on the 10th, 18th Sunday after Trinity Sunday, at 2 p.m. with great participation.
T Johann Paul Roos, spouse
<signature> Fridrich Carl Roos as son
0 -
Thank you so much!
I see that all the entries on the page were signed by either Johann Paul Roos P.L. (Pastor Loci?) or Frid Carl Roos Cand: Ord: (Ordination Candidate?) with a "T." (maybe Latin for testament?) preceding the signature.
Should I interpret that the "T." designates the person who actually wrote the entry? So for Eva Margaretha Roosin, the entry was written by her husband and her son also signed as a witness?
It's odd that he uses the word damahligen to describe himself in her record but P.L. in other entries.