Mühlethurnen BE - baptism - 1681 - Gilgen - transliteration
These are baptism records from Muhlethurnen, Bern, Switzerland. I think the Top Right hand corner is the taufe record for my 7th GGmother - Elsbeth. Her father(I can't read his first name?) Gilgen from Ruggisberg and her mother Anna Gruenig? and I can't read the words after that-does that name Anna's father Abraham? Any other info would be wonderful.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939L-LL9K-V5?i=196&cc=1640373&cat=776123 Thank you so much.
Yout guesses are correct. I couldn't read everything, too, but my transcription should cover the important information:
Hansen Gilgen von Rüeggisberg
und seine Anna Grüening
Abraham Grüenings filia zur
Schöneg, ??? Si? Kinds ???
Ein Elsbeth, Test Peter Koler
der Wirth, Item Elsbeth Grüe
ning Hansen filia und Anna
Hiltenbrant, Benzen filia ☉
Auf St. Galli
16. Octobris
For the translation I have changed the names to their current spelling:
Hans Gilgen from Rüeggisberg
and his (wife) Anna Grünig
Abraham Grünig's daughter (filia is Latin for daughter) at
Schönegg (name of a location I haven't found), (here it usually follows that they had a child baptized, but I could not decipher this completely)
An Elsbeth, Witnesses ('Test' is an abbreviation for the Latin Testes) Peter Kohler
host (at a local inn), also Elsbeth Grünig
Hans' daughter and Anna
Hiltebrandt, Bendicht's daughter Sunday (days of the week had a symbol)
on St. Gallus (October 16 is the name day of Saint Gallus)
October 16
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Thank you for your help. That is awesome. Yes, Shonegg not sure about that either. I had no clue about St. Gallus. I am so appreciative of your kindness.