Translation of Back of Picture
Hello @ShawnaMertlichAnderson
This is what I read:
S.B.C. Utah.
Dec. 2. 1916.
Lieber Georg, Paul + Willy.
Sende Euch anbei
eine kleine Erinner-
Wie geht alles
bei Euch.[?]
Mit besten Gruß
fuer Matthies, Johanna
Paul + Hyrum +
Gruß bitte famielie
Keesels? viellnals.
Fröhliche Weihnachten
S.B.C. Utah.
Dec. 2. 1916.
Dear George, Paul + Willy.
Attached I send you a little reminder.
How is everything with you?
With best regards to Matthies, Johanna, Paul + Hyrum + Anna.
Please forward many greetings to family Keesels/Rusels/Ricsels?.
Merry Christmas.
Note: I think that the mentioned family name was written by another person.
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Thank you!
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