Maybe you are researching a Surname that seems to be extremely rare.
You dont seem to find any book, any report, any web site dedicated to this surname.
What are some tips on researching such surnames and their origin???
All so often when we get questions like this and many others - the answer so often comes only after "thinking outside of the box".
Here is a great video on the subject of "Out of the box" thinking.
and here are some tips where Ive tried to think outside of the box in my approach:
1) Instead of looking in some genealogy database - Try also using social media like LINKEDIN or FACEBOOK - and see if you can contact others with this same name (noting that there are billions of users around the world from just about every country)
2) Use the massive search power of GOOGLE - for example its Google BOOK options to find any occurrence in any of its gazillion books that will match your surname of interest.
3) in both of the above pay special attention to the country or ethnic group where this name seems to be most common in. Use that to focus your research efforts which might only be fruitful in some very specific areas.
What type of OUTSIDE OF THE BOX thinking can you share examples of?????
@General Questions
@Family History Research
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@J Binkhurst
@Family Bibles
@How to Use FamilySearch Community
@FrancisNOZET FrancisNOZET
@Shirley Family Genealogy
@Nanney Family Genealogy
@Ansley Family Genealogy
Look in both the USA telephone book white pages on the internet . Just put the surname in the search engine and search. Also place the surname in the telephone book on line for the country that your ancestor came from. There are many such phone books on line. Do the same as you did for the USA. Then contact the person by writing a short note (Not by telephone) and enclosing your pedigree chart. I have found my great grandfathers nephew alive that way, I have foud my Grandfathers Aunt that way and many of my clients have found living relatives that way.
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thanks for the idea! I will explore more in this area