Search for death record
I am searching for more information on a "Mrs. Neukirck". She is my 6th great grandmother. Here is the information I have:
Lived in Stockholm, Sweden and I found a death notation on her in the Tyska Sankt Gertruds Parish, in the death records (1681-1747). Her name listed was:
Neuykierch (sp?) Baltzer: Frau V.s.178, 178 1697 21/11
I interpreted this to mean that she was buried on 21 November 1697. I would love to find out her first and maiden names. I do know that her husband Balthasar (sp?) remarried after her death. I believe my 6th ggrandmother had 5 children with Balthasar before she died.
Any help is very appreciated!
Susan K. Richards
You might try this question on the Facebook group Swedish American Genealogy. Otherwise, you need to ask a family history consultant or a professional for help because the answer to the question involves some extensive research. When you post to the Fb group or consult with anyone, they will need all information you have on Mrs. Neukirck so far and the sources of that information.