Francis Christens Norholm 27R2-DTK
Please help me find Frank's birth place and when he immigrated to the United States. He has a naturalization record in Kings, New York in 1867. He died in Menominee Michigan but there is no record of his death. His married Elizabeth Cosgrove in 1868 in New York and they moved to Michigan. He had three children there but they changed their last name. Thank you for any help you might provide.
Have seen some occasions in Denmark when there are more than one individual with the same name they add an additional identifier in the records to distinguish between them, often a place or occupation. The name Norholm would not typically be a patronymic name. I thought it might be a place. There is a Norholm parish in Aalborg Denmark. I did not have any luck in the census or parish records finding your ancestor. I also looked for his parents there with no success.