🌐 The Bridge Forum December 2, 2021 🌐
Heather R Jacobs
We will be having a great "The Bridge" forum next week. Scroll to the bottom of the main "Let's Do Good Together" page to see the event and RSVP
- Topic: Connected Tempe Sesquicentennial Celebration.
- Discussion of successes, lessons learned, and going forward.
- Guests: Mckell Keeney, and Michael & Debbie Ostler
- Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021
- Time: 8:00 am PT, 9:00 am MT, 10:00 am CT, 11:00 am ET
- Zoom Meeting Link: https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/j/92965821140?pwd=RWI2ayttOWdOeTJyWDhiUlZPRDBBZz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 929 6582 1140
Passcode: 107562
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Created in January of 2019, the purpose of The Bridge monthly forum is to come together to share ideas and activities in engaging community in family history work.
So many different ways that their work could be applied in communities! Thanks to Sister Keeney and the Ostlers for sharing a great amount of useful information, and to Heather for scheduling them to present this month. This was one of the best Bridge meetings yet, in my opinion.
-- Chris