Dear Group,
Here is the birth record for Fredericus Stevens, brother of Stephanie Stevens. Parents Joannes Stevens and maria Verhegge,( I know that "n" at the end of her name means "female version"), born July 14, 1838. I have my template, but have a question. I did look at other entries.. but still can not make this word out. In this doc. - 8th line, 5th word after huis ( Gestaen?)en deze gemente. I read gestaen- stood??; As always.. any help would be appreciated. Thank you Carla https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S7WX-98WK-Y9?i=85&cc=2138513&cat=351963
Yes, Carla, gestaen is has been standing, stood. No we write it as 'gestaan'
Hm, Verhegge and Verhegge(n) is not female/male, the two names are so common here , that some scribe's have the automatism to write it as a mistake- the correct version , basically , is always the name on the birthcertificate, and it should then be identical to the mothers name.
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Thanks Adrie,
I know that Maria's name is Verhegge. You transcribed and translated that a while back. Her name is Verhegge on birth record as well as her father's . So I will go with Verhegge. I also now have a new word to add to my list.
Thanks again.
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Carla, i'm currently on the machine here, do you wish a translation, now,
i will do it this moment, as i can see a term /name that could be difficult.
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You already did it ( Maria Thersia Verhegge ) Remember.. it was the one with the germinal calendar. I did do Fredericus's already. Is this what you are asking??
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I think that I got side tracted and never did it. I started it.. but here is my transcription ( a while back) sad.. film 004774303, image 59 link https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S7WX-9FMY-M9?i=58&cc=2138513&cat=351963
Many mistake so yes it would be great to have.
Transcription of baptismal record for Maria Theresia Verhegge
Heden twintigsten germinal achtste jaer der fransche Republieque, tendag urn naermiddag, voor mij frances Lootens agent municipal der commune van Landegem, sijn qecompareert es _________ dor commune judocus augustinus verhegge, landtsman, oud ses on tierntig Jaren geboortig binnen de commune van drongen en woonachtig binnes dese commune van Landegem in den wijck van vierhecken, dencoelken ver zeldt van joannes Baptista goetgeluck, landstman, oud ( achten turntigler) zeben en twinty Jaren, in van marie judoka verhegge, naeyter und ach ten turntig Jaren, bijde woonachtig binnen de commune van drongen, Departament der Schelde canton van nevel, verclaert heeftaen mij francis Lootens agent als vooren, dat marie anna goetgeluck, oud negen on twintig jarem geboortig binnen de commune van drongen, sijnekieip orowe in wele lijken huwelijk gelegen es, heden twintigsten germinal ten ackt uren __ morgens, in sijn huys gostoren in don voorsijden wijck van vierhecken van eene dochter die hij mij heft verthoont en aen wie hijden name heft gegeven heft van marie theresie, near volgens deze verklaring die de burgers joannes Baptista goetgeluck en marie judoka verherrge gecertifieed hebbon overeencomstig met de waerheyt en de verthootninge die mij es gedan van het benoomde kind, heb ik op gestelat eiij kragte der ver magens die mij gegeoem sijss den tegenwoordigen digen act die judocus augustinus verhegge vader van het kind met de twee voornoemete getuejgen benevenst mij hebben onderteckont Gedaen in ______ huijs der commune van Landegem. Tendag, maend ende jaere, daete als voorem (geteekend) juducus Augustinus verhegge; Joannes Baptista gogeluck; marie judoka verhegge Francis Lootens
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Hm, probably left behind and indeed , sidetracked, but i remember translating it, so it will be in previous topics,i will try to find it back tomorrow,saves work.
Or do you wish the transcription itself to be corrected, not the certif?
the one you made here,? any way, we have visitors, have to go for today.
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Adrie.. You did indeed translate it.. I just misplaced on computer
At present date, 20 th ,..etc, ....8th Year of the French Republic,, at 3 hours in the afternoon,before me, Francis Lootens, agent(representative) of the municipality of the commune of Landegem, did appear in the house of the community Judocus Augustinus Verhegge; landsman,..
(Farmhand not farmer) aged 26 years, born within the community of Drongen and living within this community of
Landegem in the "Wijk van vierhekken", whom is accompanied by Joannes Baptista Goedgeluck, landsman,
aged 27 years,and Marie Judoca Verhegge, (naaister-sewing as occupation),aged 28 years , both living within the community of Drongen, "Departement der Schelde"(*)
Canton of Nevel(e) has declared before me, Francies Lootens , agent(representative) als vooren(as above) that
Marie Anna Goedgeluck aged 29 years , born within the community of Drongen,being a houswife, and where the marriage is done,at present the 20th Germinal etc,at 8 hours in the morning,....
-now the scribe takes a strange syntaxical path-
In his house gestaen(located) in the frontside of the
neighborhood "Vierhekken" of a daughter which he has shown,and to whom he gave the name of Marie -Theresie
and according to this declarations in front of the citizens
Joannes Baptista Goedgeluck and Marie Judoca Verhegge
Have in accordance with the showing of the child named before me,do i attest that with the powers given to me, in the presence of Judocus Augustinus Verhegge, father of the child,and the two above mentioned witnesses,who co-signed.
Done in the house of the community of Landegem,the day, month , and the year as (vooren) (above),..then signatures.
Departement of the Schelde, is an old toponym used under the French Republic to denote an area that sheds its water to the river de Schelde,this whole area , also where i live is in the estuarium branches of the Schelde.
Out of use-
So they lived in the neighborhood "Vierhekken"
the street still exists , on the corner of the square that
once was the neighborhood, close to the modern ringvaart
Vierhekkensstraat 9031 Gent (Drongen)