thomas burrell
lookiing for informastion on thomas burrell born around 1760-1766 he married a person name mary
Do you have any locations? Names of children? Any records that mention him?
Graham Buckell
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Graham Buckell look here The History of the Burrell Family (
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Thank you. Taken a brief look. Will look further tomorrow.
I see some on Ancestry have named Mary as Mary Thorp. This appears to be based on a marriage between a George Burrell and Mary Thorp in London in 1792. Although the date fits, given the distance, this seems highly unlikely. However, a check of Lincolnshire marriages on FindMyPast offers no good candidates.
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Done a bit more digging
A promising death entry for Thomas
and for Mary
Alternative for May (less promising)
I will look further.
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can you also see if can find there grave sites also
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Possible partial success.
Looking at the possible 1851 census record for Mary you cite:
- Mary (1772) and Frances Wright (1777) were baptised in Cowbit to Robert and Ruth.
- A Mary Wright married a John Burwell in Cowbit in 1796.
- John Burwell was a brother to a Thomas Burwell bap in Cowbit in 1763.
If you have access to Ancestry, you can find Thomas on a member's tree via the following link
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Forgot to mention that there is a death of Mary Burwell as follows
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In conclusion, it may be that the 1851census record is a red herring but the record for Thomas Burwell in Cowbit is a possible.
Perhaps worth buying the death certificates for Thomas and the two Mary records - 1853 and 1858 - to see whether they give ny useful information.
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is there a way can get a photo copy of thomas burrell and mary throp marriage papers for me
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From the register of St Luke, Chelsea, Kensington and Chelsea, England available on Ancestry.
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I have found the burial record for Thomas Burrell in 1843 mentioned above from FindMyPast in Spalding itself..
Note that his residence was the Spalding Union House which, of course, was the work house.
The 1851 record for Mary again in Spalding itself
Note FindMyPast transcribed this twice as Burrell and Barwell, rather than Burwell as in the GRO record.
I cannot find the 1858 burial although FMP covers Spalding in that year.
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Don't want to sound patronising, Graham, but this is "above and beyond..." stuff! Excellent work!