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Etiquetas Populares
- Other 28,526
- Family Tree 10,835
- Document 10,022
- Record Searching 6,566
- Record Viewing 5,812
- Memories (Photos and Stories) 3,448
- General User Interface Issues 3,402
- Indexing 3,243
- Help & Feedback 2,773
- Sources 1,508
- Research Wiki 492
- Research Assistance 478
- Translation 450
- FamilySearch Centers 434
- german translation help 393
- #FamilySearch 330
- German Records 256
- Help and Feedback 253
- historical records 238
- Sign In 224
- Missing ordinances 211
- Research help 206
- Correcting indexing errors 202
- Serving in Family History 181
- memories-(photos-and-stories) 171