Memories Enhancement
Discussion List
1Too Many Memories! Solution through JPG to PDF compilerMemory tabs tend to become cluttered. I have recently digitized pictures for my great grandparents,…Active Johnson, Taylor Otho 17 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Johnson, Taylor Otho Suggest an Idea
2Transferring pictures between Family Search and AncestryI mostly use Family Search when adding pictures and memories to an ancestor. However many of my fam…Active Closed reneejeanhansen1 96 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Suggest an Idea
2Rotating Photos or DocumentsI think it would be really nice if anyone could rotate a photo or document even if you did not put …
2PDF stories marked as StoriesMy idea is so many people scan their stories as they have them already typed and printed. When you …
1memories access to those I selectPlease make it so I can select people I want to see my memories. Individuals. Not groups. Thank …Active Closed Margaret Force Christensen 52 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Suggest an Idea
1Family Group Memory contributionsWhat are you trying to accomplish? Why? The difficulties with Memories edits/tags is often discusse…Active Closed genthusiast 127 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by William Doughty Suggest an Idea
3Make it Possible to Add or Edit Titles on Memories Submitted by OthersMemories are often submitted without TITLES or the title is incomplete or doesn't make sense. Plea…Active Closed Jaleen Jensen Walker 1 28 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Jaleen Jensen Walker 1 Suggest an Idea
1Let a pic be visible (an icon) for audio recordingsI'm setting up a bunch of audio videos for my dad telling stories. They don't look nearly as desir…
1Attaching Names to Photos with Confidence Factors?Like many others, I have some great old photos but little to no knowledge as to their identificatio…Active Closed THornsby 237 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Suggest an Idea
3Increase Audio File LimitationsAs a FamilySearch user, I want to be able to upload audio files from interviews with family members…