historical records
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4Allow users to correct transcribed recordsI have noticed several transcription errors on a certain database of the town where my ancestors li…
How should I call each layer?Hi, can I have your help to learn the right names for each layer for information I see? As an exam…Answered JuanZuluaga3 55 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile General Questions
1900 US Census Error- Ross A AdamsI found gross error and no way to fix it. I cannot find anywhere to get a message to the people o…
2View Record needs a split screenIn “View Record” if you zoom in to look at the data near the bottom, you cannot see the header. If …
3Updating message about locked recordsPerhaps the message displayed when an online record is locked could be updated to indicate while so…
Referring to or reproducing newspaper articles (or other items of publication)A person committed suicide in 1897. This was widely reported in Swedish newspapers at the time (sin…
1Record Image opens on top of the indexed informationIn a Source, the Record Image opens on top of the indexed information instead of opening in a new t…Active Closed Jane Sylvester 26 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea