historical records
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Help! Bieker/Biecker LineageHello, I am at a brick wall I can't find any information on my 7th great grandfather Joannis Biecke…
1Film availabilityI would like to ask for the online availability of film Nr. 5016100 (Lajoskomárom, Hungary) as all …
0Already Attached SourcesIt would be very nice if we could filter records in a search by those that are not previously attac…new Closed mikela.mcconkie 264 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
An Original historiSource Datecal record was bound out of page order, Can it be reindexd in order?The result is that the children are matched to the wrong parents and the Hints come up with incorre…
Indexing errorsHi, I would like to report a slew of egregious indexing errors. In looking at 1888 New Bedford, MA …
0Is there an option to create rough outlines for Image Indices?There are a lot of un-indexed items in the catalog and many have hundreds (or thousands) of images,…new Closed BrianMcCullough 111 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by BrianMcCullough Suggest an Idea