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Fix edit feature to not corrupt source data and not corrupt source attachment dataI have noticed and reported many instances that your edit feature corrupting data to your support e…Closed Squires, Richard Vernon 303 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Squires, Richard Vernon Search
Ambiguous Date on Johannesburg Cemetery RecordBatch M3YC-1NV 1st question: there is a date listed on the top right of these records. Is that what…Answered ✓ Closed Zachary Adamson 391 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Zachary Adamson Indexing
Edit Record screen, Dates in different lines in the record, only one highlighting button availableAs you can see in the screenshot, the recorded date starts at the end of the more visible line 1, a…
How do I edit a birth date.How do I edit a birth date.