data base problem
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Problem identified with interpretation of "Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900"This is a bug report for FamilySearch. Then a source from "Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers,…
Data base error,1840 Census. Smithfield, Wayne, Indiana, shown when Smithfield, Providence, Rhode IData base error,1840 Census. Smithfield, Wayne, Indiana, shown when Smithfield, Providence, Rhode I…
Can't find Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela church recordsHi, I've been trying for days now to find out why the Valencia, Venezuela church records are not sh…Answered Closed Gilda Osorio Tuttlebee 462 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Search
Can you look at an apparent data base problem..?The error relates to L1SD-NRV and G7T8-MY5 and only seems to be visible in descendancy view for Geo…