Correcting indexing errors
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How do we change, correct, or find a record when the index isn't right? was on a campaign. It links to an indexed re…Answered ✓ Closed Anell Gibelyou 351 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anell Gibelyou General Questions
When reviewing an indexed record, how to remove entry that shouldn't have been indexed?While reviewing US, Missouri—Naturalization Records, 1843–1991 [Part E][M3FC-JP4], I have run into …Answered Closed karylleeworkman1 222 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
Flagging Batch with ProblemsI am indexing Obituaries but there is a Marriage announcement included in one of the batches. Is t…
mistake in indexingI mentioned this case before and now it's mixing up again my tree: Ann Marie Elisabet 21 March 1739…
Incorrect IndexingPhilippines, Camarines Sur, Caceres—Registros Parroquiales, 1716–1977 [Parte B] [MMZF-PHY] 10 marri…
Switching a whole sectionI recently reviewed a batch where the indexer put almost every single name out of over 150 names in…
I am currently reviewing US, Missouri—Naturalization Records, 1843–1991 [Part A][M34K-P5S].I am currently reviewing US, Missouri Naturalization Records, 1843-1991, Part A. There have been r…Answered ✓ Closed SuzanneSchwoerer 201 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Teresa Winterton Indexing
Birth index cards that then read "date of death"Hi Should I index names/dates as a birth or as a death? The record shows it's a "Births Inde…
1900 Census Indexing Enumeration Is Incorrect For Daniel Angel PID 9QMD-4DYIn the 1900 census for Daniel Angel PID 9QMD-4DY his names was incorrectly enumerated as David Ange…Answered Closed Alvin Eugene Burningham 161 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suzanne Adams1 Family Tree