Correcting indexing errors
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Is there a way to correct errors found in an indexed record?Hi all, sometimes while indexing people can misspell a name or a date. What can be done when we fin…Answered ✓ Closed FedericoAlbertini 531 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
The first section of baptisms in Birmensdorf images are indexed wrongIn the Birmensdorf online images, Film #008014302, images 4 through 52 are all indexed correctly. T…
Report error: Ship names and sailing dates wrong, NY Book Indexes to Passenger ListsI don't see very many correctly indexed ship names in this Roll. I was wondering why I found an anc…
Greater Care Needed in Recording Indexes Throughout the Indexing ProcessCase in Point: The index of the marriage of Marcelius delos Reyes (LKPF-RWQ) and Tomasa Roat (LKPF-…
Can you fix the indexing or other issues in Walter Eugene Reeve LK6D-ST5 ?The indexing for some Historical Documents is incorrect. This is true in in other close relatives. …Answered ✓ Closed Douglas McPhaden 171 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Search
Request to correct indexing of U.S. Census Slave Schedule, 1860, Washington County, North CarolinaFor U.S. Census Slave Schedule, 1860, Washington County, North Carolina, "Other" district…
Incorrect Record TitleI discovered an incorrect record title. The record lists "O W Bean." It should be "O…
England and Wales Census, 1841 location appears wrongI'm trying to fix some errors in geographical information in Census records which may have been int…