Community Usability
Discussion List
I can't understand communityThis discussion was created from comments split from: Finding Help at FamilySearch—A Simplified Men…
Accessing My Discussions under Quick LinksI have contributed to a number of discussions and wanted to go back to one of them. When I click on…
1Button for New Discussion on Community PageCould you add a "New Discussion" button to the "My Discussion" tab or make it a…Declined Closed Mark Peoples 245 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Gordon Collett Suggest an Idea
2Please make it easier to make comments and find direct help on website problemsI've spent over 30 minutes trying to figure out how to ask a question or provide comments on featur…Active Closed GardnerBetteAnn1 162 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
Changing an email address that shows in the CommunityI can see a way to view my profile in the Community settings, but is there a way to change my email…Answered Closed C D McB 275 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson General Questions
How to delete the Community account?How do we delete this FamilySearch support group Community account? Not the official FamilySearch …Answered Closed JLB_CommunityTest 541 views 17 comments 1 point Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson General Questions
Ask a Question button missing on smaller screens or portrait viewunable to see “Ask a Question” when screen is rotated to portrait or enlarged enough that “Quick Li…Answered Closed Miss Jessie 312 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Miss Jessie General Questions
3Make "Contact Us" and "Free Research Consultant" more visible.On the main page header where we find, "FamilySearch, Family Tree, Search, Memories", etc…
1Question about the Germany Genealogy Research CommunityAfter nearly five years working in the Germany Genealogy Research Community, I still find it nearly…