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Why are they removing the Family History Library Catalog?The FHLC is going to be removed and replaced by the "Images" section on FamilySearch whic…Answered ✓ Closed Bradley D Marchant 1.1K views 13 comments 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Search
Where can I find Greek Catholic church records of village Zarudzie (Złoczów)?My ancestors lived in Poland, Tarnopol, Zborów, Zarudzie , but in the search catalog at https://ww…Answered Closed Igor Marynowski 201 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Search
FYI Broken LinkI am researching in the catalog and the link to see a digital copy of an item is broken. It takes …
Error message when searching the catalogI get this error message when I search the catalog: "We are unable to display search results d…