Add a person to CET SourceLinker

Separated from another discussion:
I also couldn't attach a source to my CET tree because it was already on the FS tree. The error message stated that the linked person was on my CET tree, but it was a different ID # which is on the FS tree.
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@GenTracer Kirkpatrick Thank you for testing early release CET and thank you for this additional feedback. Would you please attach a screenshot with the error message and both PID's?
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@Brenda Cummings, @GenTracer Kirkpatrick,
I invite both of you to do as Tomie Avant requests. Please upload:
- the PID (PersonID) to the person in your CET to whom you are seeking to attach the record person (this xxxx-xxx, formatted ID will show under the person name on both the pedigree view and person page view in the tree)
- and the URL to the record person you are seeking to attach to this PID (This URL will be found in the address bar of your browser when viewing the historical record details page for the record person)
- the PID in Family Tree that the system is indicating the record person is already attached to. (This xxxx-xxx formatted ID will likely popup in the SourceLInker tool when you are trying to attach the record person to the CET tree person)
If we have a situation where a record person, who is already attached to a Family Tree PID, is presenting an error when a patron in a CET tries to attach that record person to a CET PID…THAT would be a serious bug that we need to track down and fix. By design, it should never happen.
Robert Kehrer, sr product manger, familysearch
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I have managed to recreate the issue. In this case, I had just finished added Ralph L Houston as father to Blanche, and had switched the selected person to Blanche's husband Harry Abner Smith. This is the screen that appeared.
I'm not sure how to answer your questions (above) because I don't know exactly what a record person means in this context. But in the situation below I had been using this source (the marriage record) to add people to the CET (as separate "new" people, with new IDs for the purposes of the CET). When I switched to update Harry Abner Smith's family, these are the errors.
https://www.familysearch.orgs /tree/person/details/PMQ8-DK4 is Harry Abner Smith in the Family Search Tree. I had just added Harry Abner Smith PM27-Q1L in the CET.
However, when I accidently clicked on Harry Abner Smith in the sidebar on the right, the main page reloaded with the correct links (to my CET) and with the ability to add Harry E Smith and Minnie Davis as parents to Harry Abner within the CET. When this happens again, I'll try to avoid fixing it, in hopes that will allow you to get to the error? Or do you have other ideas?
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@Brenda Cummings Thank you so very much for the additional feedback. I have made note of it for our engineers.
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@Brenda Cummings This issue has been opened in the SearchWeb team as ticket FSS-10797. Again, thank you for your time commitment to test early access CET.
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[as i review this comment, it perhaps should have a different issue label and a different thread, since it relates to the selection of people within sources? Up to you…]
One potential source/cause for the conflicts between the CET tree and the Family Search tree may be that the history list that pops up (to select a matching person when reviewing a source and adding people) doesn't seem to distinguish between CET and Family Search Tree names (or, more accurately, defaults to Family Tree Search names/IDs).
Note that I got to this page by clicking on a source prompt within the CET Tree, meaning I was on page (Blanche Houston) in the CET Tree, and clicked on the prompted Maine Marriage Index source.
In this image i am working on the same marriage that caused trouble yesterday, but a different source. Last night I was working in the CET tree, but the history list that is popping up is Family Search people. (Makes sense - the page says "find a match in family tree…). It is very tempting to match Blanche Houston to person ID GCTP-VLM, even though her ID in my CET tree is PM27-Q1Q, and I have gotten to this very page directly from Blanche Houston's CET tree page (link above).
I've clicked on a Family Search link before, in hopes of essentially importing the family search tree information into my CET tree. Once I learned the IDs were completely separate, I've been making an effort to link only to CET person IDs when working in my CET tree. Since Blanche Houston is already in my CET Tree (along with her spouse), shouldn't their CET people IDs already be populating this record?
I can test what happens if I select the Family Search person offered in this list versus entering the CET person ID manually. I think my selecting the Family Search person in a similar list might have been a precursor to the issue we've been discussing, though that could be unrelated. In any case, you may want to warn CET users about the prompts to select non-CET person IDs?
Brenda Cummings
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I'll note that later efforts to link sources behaved normally, meaning the expected person with their CET ID showed up in the Source Linker to have the source attached as expected. So the issue is not consistent. I will let you know if it happens again. The ticket number you provided links to atlassian; should I be logging into that or is that for your internal use?
Brenda Cummings
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@Brenda Cummings Thank you for the update. The ticket number is for the engineers internal use only.