"Nedecz, Szepes, Hungary" is not recognized as "Niedzica, Nowy Targ, Krakow, Poland"?
See LJG4-TZ9, Mary Ann Skorupa: the birthplace is set to "Nedecz, Szepes, Hungary", a certified standardized place. DQS flags all birth places 'Poland' (also 'Austria'). The empires of Austria and Hungary were unified 1867-1918, so 'Austria' arguably should not be flagged as an inconsistency. However, there is no doubt that 'Poland' should not be flagged. The following four localities are in the places database and show the same geographical location:
Nedecz, Szepes, Hungary (1867-1918) [Austria-Hungary]
Niedzica, Nowy Targ, Kraków, Poland (1918-1975)
Niedzica, Łapsze Niżne, Nowy Sącz, Poland (1975-1999)
Niedzica, Łapsze Niżne, Nowy Targ, Małopolska, Poland (1999-present)
All information appears correct in the places database (except a few missing years which I have provided above), even including a notation that Niedzica is an alternate form of Nedecz, and vice versa. It seems most likely this is an issue with the DQS algorithm, not the places database.
It might actually be at least partly the Places database's fault: like most places that are now in a country other than Hungary, the pre-Trianon version of Nedecz was loaded from a different source than the post-1920 versions, and is completely unconnected to them, except by the variant name (and by the coordinates, but the system only uses those graphically [i.e., for map pin locations]).
Of course, connecting the Hungary version to the Poland versions would only get rid of the "Poland" flags; it'd still complain about "Austria". (No, adding a jurisdiction of "Austria-Hungary" would NOT work. It'd be a logistical nightmare and be basically false to boot, as there was no unified, overarching administration. The only thing the two countries had in common was the identity of the guy wearing the crown. It wasn't even the same crown.)
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It occurred to me overnight that the ubiquitous error in North American recordkeeping of truncating "Austria-Hungary" to just "Austria" should be reason to create an exception in the algorithm: "Austria" should not be flagged as a mismatch to any of the A-H lands and successor states. (That is, it should be fine with Galicia, Moravia, Silesia, etc. as well as Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, etc.)