Unable to upload GEDCOM
@Joy Gregg thank you for agreeing to test CET. For clarification would you post the computer type, operating system, and browser that you are using? Thank you.
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@Joy Gregg Thank you for reporting this issue. We have assigned this issue to RSTI-1869 and engineers will be reviewing. We may reach out to you to grab your GEDCOM file to test/validate against.
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@Joy Gregg the engineers would need a copy of your GEDCOM file used in the upload. Will you please arrange for us to receive that? Thank you
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I am having the same error. Gedcom from Myheritage, Windows 11, HP Envy laptop, browser MS Edge. I tried upload the same file to test que integrity of the data to Ancestry and it worked well.
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@Benjamin Fernando Thank you for testing CET. Your input and feedback are important to us. The engineers would need access to your GEDCOM file that failed to upload. Please watch for an email requesting that file.
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@Tomie K. Avant I made it work, the same GEDCOM imported to Ancestry, I exported it from Ancestry and imported into FamilySearch and it worked.
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@Benjamin Fernando thank you, again for testing CET and for following through and notifying us of additional information. I have now passed this new information along with your second GEDCOM to our Engineering Team.
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Tried several times but it fails to upload Ancestry GEDCOM.
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I'm still trying and it never uploads. Very frustrating
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@Joy Gregg Please be patient with this product. This is early access testing and this issue and your gedcom file has been brought to the attention of the engineers and has been assigned a number. Don't give up yet. Thank you very much for agreeing to test CET and I look forward to getting this issue resolved.
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I have heard from the engineering team that this error has now been resolved. Please create a new CET from your GEDCOM file and update me on the issue. Thank you.
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I have tried to upload my file from Ancestry several times. I keep getting the error message. Has anyone had their issue resolved?
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I was able to successfully upload a GEDCOM file with about 1000 individuals. The upload completed successfully but some of the records were not upload correctly. The advice was to review the tree differences. This is reasonable advice. I would verify any upload as a normal practice and looking to see why some records were not uploaded correctly would be a normal part of that process. I will give additional feedback if I see any patterns in the upload errors that are unexpected.
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Hi all, I am also getting the "Upload failed. Please try uploading again". I've tried it 4 times now. This was a GEDCOM export from Ancestry with 70,000+ individuals (yes, I have a large tree of 25+ years of research). On a Mac / Chrome. After the first two uploads failed, I exported a new gedcom from the family tree Mac app Reunion with just direct ancestors and their children (about 1,300 individuals or so) based on that original ancestry gedcom, and it is still failing - tried twice. Any ideas? Thanks!
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I tried again just now with the smaller file and still a fail.
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@Craig Kanalley I have added this failure information to the engineer list. Thank you for your feedback and for testing early release CET.
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@Jen3651 @WilliamCanavan I have added your comments to the engineering team issue list. Thank you both for your feedback and for testing early release CET.