Wetzikon ZH - death - 1814 - Jenta - Barbara

Wetzikon ZH 1814 Barbara Jenta burial 2 April film 008480741 page 325
Second document down the page.
Small correction first: on your copy the wrong entry seems to be marked - should be one lower.
[1814] April 3 A(nna) Barbara - Rudolf Jenta, des Beken v(on) Etenhausen eh(liche) Tocht(er)
aged 20 - 5 - 6
cause of death Febr(is) = fever
"des Beken" in todays German would be "des Bäckers" … so Rudolf was a baker.
Interesting is the exact age (20 years - 5 months - 6 days) which I assume is the age at death, not at burial. If you deduct this (as usual separately for years, months, days - not converting to days) from 1814 04 03 you end up with 1793 10 27 … the date given in the baptismal register. So this would be her date of birth: was she baptised the same day - or a bit later and the date of baptism was not recorded? Alternatively: is 1814 04 03 the date of burial (not death) - and 1793 10 27 the date of her baptism - and she was baptised at age 3 days (assuming burial 3 days after death)?
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Amazing. I always wondered what Rudolf's profession was before he worked for the government. And here we find out in his 20 year old daughter's death!!! 😁
Do you translate ehliche as honest, eternal or honorable?
I love your thoughts on Barbara's death. It is interesting how precise the Pastors were in figuring out how long someone lived. Thanks for the math! Most Americans never think of using months and days in figuring out how long someone lived.
My favorite entry in this context is the death of Matthias Scholl. His Pastor really knew his math:
Translation Robert Seal:
Hans Matthias Scholl death in Graben 23 April 1682 in the afternoon at 3:30 died the husband in the name of the Lord, the husband and the honorable Hans Matthias Scholl who had been the local attorney for 13 years and he buried April 25 according to the Christian traditions in the afternoon at 12 noon given to the earth and his age 45 years 9 mo 2 wks and 12 hours, the funeral text came from Job 19, verse 26 , "I know my savior lives. And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh I will see God"
Thanks so very much for this memorable translation!!! KG
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"Do you translate ehliche as honest, eternal or honorable?"
No - eh(e)liche means legitimate - parents were married (matrimony = Ehe).
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