Feature Request: Imported Tree Differences
The following request came from an early access tester. I'm reposting it here for the benefit of all.
Would it be possible to add an edit button to "Imported Tree Differences" so that once such differences have been corrected the tree shows there are no other errors remaining? It would allow others working on the tree to know such differences or errors have been reviewed and corrected.BACKGROUND
Given the amazing diversity of data that can be found in Gedcom's coming from many different genealogical software packages & the data requirements FS imposes (like having a location on a residence event). it is probable that in a large Gedcom there will be instances where our system just doesn't know what to do with the data. We will be teaching it what to do as best we can, but import errors will always be possible. We log these and let you know where the imported tree diverges from the data in your Gedcom. (You can find the link to Imported Tree Differences on the Tree Details page in the top of the lower right "Controls" box)
FUTURE IMPROVEMENTSWe will be making the following improvement to the list of imported errors:
- Side Panel: We will be converting this display to a persistent side panel that slides in from the right and remains in place until dismissed rather than a popup that covers the middle of the screen.
- We will be making the names/IDs clickable to take you directly to the tree person where the data needs to be corrected.
- We will be allowing users to make each error as resolved and adding a filter so you can track which ones still need to be looked at.
Feedback needed: Once all the errors have been resolved, should the user be able to dismiss this error panel and hide the link the "Imported Tree Differences"? IOW: Is there any need to keep this display of resolved errors around once you have fixed them all?