Marriage Record
Best Answer
As a rule we do not do research for our patrons however, we do assist you in getting started by pointing out our helps in research.
The first help is found in the FamilySearch Wiki. On a page please click on Search then Research Wiki. On the Wiki home page you may use the map to select Canada, Quebec and then Quebec, Canada Genealogy. On this page there is a Getting Started section that will assist you in finding the collection that might contain the records for your parents.
You may find more personal research assistance at your local Family History Center. To find your local center please on a page go to the upper right corner and click on the circle with ? and enter the keywords Find Family and select in the list below "Where do I find a Family History Center?" then click on Open in New Tab. These centers are staffed with volunteers who have varied experience so it would pay to call ahead to determine the best time to get the best assistance.
Another possible source is to call us. Click on Help (circle with ?) in upper right corner then Contact Us and scroll down for the appropriate phone number and hours of operation and we can assist you in getting started in your research.
Thank you, surprisingly I found the document amongst my papers!