Community Announcement Improvement

Community.FamilySearch Forum
Attention: @Mark McLemore
Subject: IMPORTANT posts, appearing at TOP, of "Recent Discussions", NO LONGER "Highlighted", in a ('Red') "Box"
Note: Relevance ▬ 'Computer', Web based version, of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
In the PREVIOUS "Format" (ie. prior 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the somewhat IMPORTANT posts (including: "Announcements" in "Groups"; which, are NOW "Missing"), that appeared at the TOP of "Recent Discussions"; and, "Highlighted", in a ('Red') "Box", around each one, which made them VERY easy to distinguish; and, so easy to go down past.
Currently ... [ Problem / Issue ]:
Whereas, in the now NEW "Format" (ie. post 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the somewhat IMPORTANT posts (including: "Announcements" in "Groups"; which, are NOW "Missing"), that NOW appear at the TOP of "Recent Discussions", are NOT "Highlighted", in a ('Red') "Box", around each one, which mades them not so easy to distinguish. The ONY thing to "Distinguish" them NOW, is the "Ellipsis" ( ie. "..."), at the TOP, 'Right-Hand-Side', of each.
As such ...
Therefore, I hereby humbly request, that in the now NEW "Format" (ie. post 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, can we please have, the somewhat IMPORTANT posts (including: "Announcements" in "Groups"; which, are NOW "Missing"), that appear at the TOP of "Recent Discussions"; and, to again be "Highlighted", in a ('Red') "Box" (ie. "Reinstated"), around each one, to make them VERY easy to distinguish; and, so easy to go down past.
Plus ...
While I am at it ...
I hereby ALSO humbly request, that in the now NEW "Format" (ie. post 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, can we please have, the somewhat IMPORTANT "Announcements" in "Groups"; which, are NOW "Missing", to again APPEAR (ie. "Return"/"Reinstate") at the TOP of "Recent Discussions"; and, also "Highlighted", in a ('Red') "Box".
'Thank You' in advance.
Submitted for your immediate, information; attention; and, consideration.
Kind Regards.
Yours Faithfully,
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Hello @Brett .,
I'll need to check into the red highlight - this may not be available with the recent upgrade. On the announcement topic, group announcements are only posted to the group. If the author of the announcement wants to extend it to recent discussions, they can do so by clicking the ellipses and selecting announce, then selecting the radio button with recent discussions.
Or they can edit the announcement and scroll to the bottom where the same options will be available.
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I am more than well aware, of the "Announcements"; and, the ability to announce with either,
(1) that "Pop-Up" (ie. "Modal") 'Window';
.... [ in Social Groups and recent discussions ]
(2) when "Editing" the Announcement, with that "Bottom" feature/facility/function
.... [ in the category and recent discussions ]
As, they worked just fine, in the PREVIOUS "Version" (Pre.1 Nov) of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
But ...
That Said ...
They DO NOT seem to be working, in the CURRENT "Version" (POST.1 Nov) of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
As, the "Announcements", DO NOT appear, in the "Recent Discussions", like they used to.
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'Thank You'.
Today, (am) Sunday, 14 November 2021, my Local 'Time' (UTC) +11 Hours ...
I noticed Two (x2) things, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
(1) NOW, that "Announcement" WORKS, for/in "Recent Discussions"; and,
(2) 'looks' like, that ALL posts, in the various "Groups", are NOW, also appearing in "Recent Discussions".
Some, may not like/appreciate such; but, that said, I certainly do ...
Again, 'Thank You'.
ps: It is a REAL shame, that the "Highlight", in a ('Red') "Box", around IMPORTANT posts, appearing at TOP, of "Recent Discussions", was NOT included, in/with the new/current "Version", of the "Vanilla" Platform.