Report a Community Problem

Please report any problems with the recent community upgrade in this thread.
I don't know if directly connected to the update, but I cannot get to a recent post. It is titled "What is a "New Poll"" and received a response from @Brett . yesterday. I read this on my mobile after logging out from here and was about to respond to Brett, but today I am getting a "Permission Denied" page instead of being able to see the thread.
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Its 'Brett'
The OLD 'Category' of "FamilySearch Community" ... is NO MORE ... it's GONE ...
And, it 'looks' like, ALL the associated "Posts", with that, may be GONE; as, well ...
[ Well, from "Public" view/access, in any case ... ]
One of the "Casualties", that we were warned about ... there some ...
I was 'looking', for that "Post", to add something ...
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From "Groups" in the right side panel any of the 3 categories leads to a blank screen. I am signed in.
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Community.FamilySearch Forum
Attention: @Mark McLemore
Subject: Problem/Issue. 'On-Line' "Notifications". Appearing on 'Bottom', 'Left-Hand-Side'. Cover, Work in Progress
Note: Relevance ▬ 'Computer', Web based version, of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
In the PREVIOUS "Format" (ie. prior 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the 'On-Line' "Notifications", appeared in the 'Bottom' 'Right-Hand-Side/Corner', of the screen/page; and, were, considerably unobtrusive. Those 'On-Line' "Notifications", DID NOT, cover or block, work in progress, while one was actually working, in the Forum.
Currently ... [ Problem / Issue ]:
Whereas, in the now NEW "Format" (ie. post 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, the 'On-Line' "Notifications", appear in the 'Bottom' 'Left-Hand-Side/Corner', of the screen/page; and, ARE, considerably obtrusive. These 'On-Line' "Notifications", NOW, cover or block, work in progress, while one is actually working, in the Forum.
Can it please be explained, WHY, the location of the 'On-Line' "Notifications", were inexplicably "Changed", from the original, considerably, unobtrusive location, to such an obtrusive location; as, that makes no sense, at all?
As such ...
Therefore, I hereby humbly request, that in the now NEW "Format" (ie. post 1 November 2021), of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, that the 'On-Line' "Notifications", be "Moved", to the 'Bottom' 'Right-Hand-Side/Corner', of the screen/page; and, were, such is a considerably unobtrusive; so that, those 'On-Line' "Notifications", DO NOT, cover or block, work in progress, while one is actually working in the Forum.
'Thank You' in advance.
Submitted for your immediate, information; attention; and, consideration.
Kind Regards.
Yours Faithfully,
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Hi @Brett . - thanks for sharing your perspective on the recent changes, I appreciate the feedback.
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My browser is reporting that the Community home page is slowing down my computer significantly and recommends the page be closed.
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Display problems with Community seem to be increasing today.
I just saw 3 or 4 pop-up notifications about a comment by Amber Fatima Stevenson, I see 2 comments by her in my notifications list, but I cannot go to them. I just see "Comment Not Found". I also cannot access the Community Home page. When trying to open now all I see is this message:
This webpage was reloaded because a problem occurred.
I am able to see the discussion in question but on that page I see no comment by Amber Fatima Stevenson:
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Just on passing ...
I would humbly suggest, that there is NOT a problem/issue regarding:
As, it appears, that the User/Patron, "Amber Fatima Stevenson", currently, ONLY has:
▬ x1 'Discussion'; and,
▬ x1 'Comment'.
And, neither of those, are (currently) in the post of:
Why doesn't the Discovery Person page match the Detail Person page?
As such ...
I would humbly suggest, that is it is entirely likely, that the User/Patron, "Amber Fatima Stevenson", MAY have "Deleted", those posts, that you 'see', in your "Notifications".
Like many, I have come across number of posts, that indicate that the "Comment Not Found" and "The page you were looking for could not be found"; and, in the vast majority of those cases, the posts themselves, had actually been, "Deleted", by the User/Patron, concerned.
[ Plus, I have also noticed the SAME in "E-mails" ... ]
Of course, there is another possibility; but, I think not; and, not worth mentioning.
Just my thoughts.
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Yes, I expect the two comments were deleted. That's not the issue here.
The issues I see:
- Deleted comments are remaining in other users' notification lists. I find these notifications annoying and wasteful of readers' attention.
- When a comment is deleted but the discussion remains there is no link to the discussion. It would be helpful to include with the Comment Not Found message a link to the discussion, perhaps to #latest.
- Apparently, multiple pop-up notifications are being generated per comment. Possibly the deletion of the comment is triggering these notifications; that would explain why I saw at least 3 and possibly 4 notifications.
- – OR – The notification list is inconsistent, including only 2 of 4 comments that were deleted before I had a chance to read them.
- To minimize distractions I have all notifications turned off so I shouldn't be seeing these pop-ups at all. Why am I seeing them and how can I turn them off?
- Repeating a feature request I have made before: give the user the ability to stop seeing notifications about a discussion.
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Quit edit to add two possible workarounds at your discretion:
- If appropriate, bookmark the discussion but do not comment.
- Temporarily uncheck "Notify me when people comment on discussions I've participated in." in your notification settings.
Neither fully addresses the issue you originally noted, but may help temporarily.
Hello @dontiknowyou,
I've logged a ticket to investigate the multiple notifications problem. The ability to turn notifications for specific discussion is something planned for a future release, date TBD.
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Just wanted to follow up and note this issue has been resolved. Thanks for reporting it @CathyAH!
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Hello @dontiknowyou - I've sent a follow up message to discuss notifications in further detail.
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Re my seeing pop-ups at all: it turns out in my profile all pop-up notifications were mysteriously turned on. Not by me! A review found some other changes of state.
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Hello @Brett .,
I've followed up with our dev team to see what options are available with notifications. Unfortunately, the notification behavior is standard out-of-the-box functionality and any adjustments would need to be coded into the community. I've requested that this be added to the roadmap for a future release.
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Hello @PrymPM,
Thanks for your desire to help answer a question. I believe the issue is now resolved. Would you mind trying again?
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I am not sure if these 'Suggest an Idea' filtering options are meant to be seen in mobile mode?
I was trying to find a way to filter Ideas but these are not exactly the same thing and I am unsure if supposed to be only for development? I don't mind these filter options - it certainly would be nice to know which ideas FamilySearch is considering/implemented.
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Regarding your response to my post ...
'Thank You' for the information.
'Yes', a real pain ...
So, is the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum STILL using the "Vanilla" 'Platform'; and, this is just a new "Version" of "Vanilla" 'Platform'; OR, is the Forum; NOW, using ANOTHER / NEW 'Platform' altogether?
Especially when you stated:
"... Unfortunately, the notification behavior is standard out-of-the-box functionality ..."
As, such was NOT the case, in the PRE.1November 2021 version of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
Just curious.
'Thank You' in advance.
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I have been trying to contact to report a major problem with a 'family' in the Family Search Tree. I scrolled down through the list of contacts by region, I am in the UK and the people who are messed up are from Cheshire, England. When I clicked the link for the UK I got a page not found message. Is it because I am not LDS member? I have uncovered a couple and 3 children who are actually impossible, looking at the dates. Advice needed please. I do have all the identity codes.
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Firstly, this problem is not connected with you not being an LDS Church member. Many "members" of this Community (including me) do not belong to the Church.
The best place to post queries regarding Family Tree entries is
By all means, let someone try to give specific advice by detailing the ID references concerned and the errors involved. However, as general advice, I would tell you that your problem is one which brings many similar reports here. Family Tree has an open-edit format, which allows both experienced and inexperienced users (whether related to your family or not) to make changes / additions. These often include a situation where a careless user might add children to a couple who could not possibly have been theirs - e.g., of the wrong generation, or born nowhere near where your family might have lived their whole lives.
Long-standing Family Tree users understand the pitfalls of using such a program and are quite used to spending many hours of their time in correcting such errors. Coming here, you are likely to receive good advice in putting matters right, but there is no central administration to correct other users' errors.
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@Mark McLemore NM I am having an issue with Contact Us for Europe-English.
When I click on ?
then Contact Us
then Europe Area FamilySearch Support
then Community Help Center – English
I get a Page not found error
Not sure why this is happening, I have tried in Edge and Google and 2 colleagues have also seen the same issue.
I was able to access the pages for other languages so it appears to just be our page affected
(The British Isles Family History Research link works)
Not sure who else to report this to so hope you can assist.
Many thanks
Sister Rosemary Hyde FamilySearch Support Missionary
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Sent you a direct message to discuss further.
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There are still too many slots, because LDS stuff still keeps showing up in every category.
Can we please get a dedicated moderator who catches the "ordinances this" and "permissions that" posts and immediately moves them to Temple?
Or would it be appropriate to use the "report" option of the flag button for move requests?
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I have recently, just tried, that "Report", a couple of times = "Addressing" the reports to "Moderator".
As, a "Moderator" once indicated that:
"... they have these, "Abuse"; and, "Spam", in their "Moderation" List; but, do not know what to do about it ..."
[ My thinking/thought was that those "Reports" may also go through the SAME; and, maybe to "Admin". ]
[ Well, that was what I was hoping ... ]
I just thought it worth a go ...
As an aside ...
What we REALLY "Need", is a "Contact" of, "@Moderator,..."; where, posts are as such "Mentioned".
ie. Going into a "Pool", for the NEXT available "Moderator", for the particular 'Category', to take ...
It could be, for example:
for posts regarding "Temple" Work, pertaining to Members of the Church.
Just a way to get the "Attention" of a "Moderator"; especially, for a post, out of area/reference.
Just a thought.
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@Mark McLemore I cannot post an announcement in the Virtual Genealogy Consultations Group of which I'm a leader. It told me that I was unauthorized to do so. I was able to before the change. Thanks!
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Hello @Kori Robbins - sorry for the trouble. Digging into why this is happening - will be in contact with more info soon.
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Hello @Brett . - thanks for your feedback and suggested path forward. I'll move this to Suggest an Idea.
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Closing this thread as upgrade issues or questions have been addressed up to this point. Please start using the General Questions category moving forward.