My son's Birth and death are not in the family calendar?
Hello, @StephenJordan87
Are you referring to the FamilySearch Notifications for Calendar of Ancestor Moments?
If you go to this link:, you will see at the top of the page under the title, a little box to check: Include recently deceased family. Would checking this box apply in the situation with your son?
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I have checked that box, and he is still not listed.
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On the Calendar's page are you Subscribed to Get Reminders? If it doesn't show Unsubscribe click on the Get Reminders button and that should Subscribe you for reminders.
If you are Subscribed for reminders - what shows in your Tree view - are you attached as his Living father?
Justin Robert Jordan (1986-2005)
It possibly could be the Cookie Preferences you have set on FamilySearch. Here are some instructions to view those settings - which do you have selected?
I hope this helps!
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
In passing ...
After you "Checked" (ie. "Ticked"), that "Box" for "Include recently deceased family" ...
Question: Did you "Refresh" that page/screen?
Often, it is best to "Refresh" a page/screen, after "Checking" (ie. "Ticking"), a "Box"; so that, that which is "Checked" (ie. "Ticked") takes affect.
IF, not; THEN, give that a go ...
I hope this helps.
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I have done all these things. My Son is not a recent death, as he passed 04-15-2005. My Sister passed in 2018 and She is listed. I was just curious why He is not on the calendar. Not upset, just curious. Thank you for the two folks that tried to help me!
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I did a little testing and here is what I find. Your son's calendar event may not appear at the top of the page - you may need to scroll down and view the calendar 'alerts' in the correct month. I hope this helps!
Today I received a Calendar notification and see this tidbit which may also assist others:
In the notification - there is a link for:
Of course if you set a 'delayed notification' you won't receive it near the relevant Calendar dates.