how can I sort search results

@William Hall_4 Assuming you are clicking Search and then Records to do your search and those are the search results you want to sort:
There is not a sort option per se, but you can filter the results various ways. The most common filter folks use is to click the Collections tab at the top of the search results. This lets you select which collections you want to see in the search results. And, it's easy to filter by a set of collection, then go back and change the filter to look at other collections. So, not actually sorting the results, but a way to break them down into manageable chunks.
The search tips help article might also give you some ideas to help get better search results:
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If there was a sort option - what would you be sorting on?
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I would want to sort either by name or by date. As an example I am looking at all the Baptisms in one year in a particular Parish. If I could sort by name particularly in a large Parish it could save me a considerable amount of time
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but why could you not simply filter by name or by date?
what is the url/link to the specific resource you are browsing through
and what specifically are you looking to find in this resource?
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I am investigating all Baptisms and Burials in certain parishes on a year by year basis. I am doing a search on FS to obtain a list. It would make my task much easier if I could sort by name or to a lesser degree by date.
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yeh I'm not aware of any easy way.
though you might be able to copy and past page at a time to excel or some other similar utilit
and massage and sort the data there . . .
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@William Hall_4 There is one option you might try for sorting. Notice in your search results, on the top right is a button to Export Results. You can export up to 100 at a time to a CSV format (should work in any spreadsheet program). If you want more than 100, just export multiple times and then combine the spreadsheets. Then you can use the spreadsheet to do your various sorts. A little time-consuming if you have 100s to download, but it's an option that would give you endless sort possibilities after you get everything in the spreadsheet. There is a help article: