not sure how to proceed

John A. Dougherty is in family tree as the father of Gerard Adolphus Dougherty and Hugh Dougherty however, John A. Doughertys will lists his "seven children" and there is no mention of Gerard or Hugh. The other children listed in the tree for John Dougherty appear to be correct...How do i fix this without losing all the work ive done in relation to my gggrandfather Gerard Adoplphus Dougherty? and please dont direct me to the instructions in the help menu as i have reviewed that and im still not confident that whatever i do wont ruin my research or someone elses work for the other family members attached thank you
Best Answer
@X24mom X24mom
A quick look; and, suggestion ...
The "ChangeLog" indicates that "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ) was only created relatively recently ( 2017 ) by User/Patron "Terri lynn" ( E-mail: ).
Whereas, the "ChangeLog" indicated that "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) is an OLD record from "New.FamilySearch" (ie. pre-2012), that was possibly created by, "larajanelalbornoz1" ( E-mail: ); or, "russelljohnson1" ( E-mail: ); or, maybe someone else, who knows.
And, "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) appears NOT to have had any Parents in "New.FamilySearch" or right up until 2019 in "Family Tree" when one of the original Users/Patrons ( "larajanelalbornoz1" ) "Created" a Father, "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ); but, no Mother.
Whereas, the User/Patron "Terri lynn" who created "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ) has done some "Merging" and Unmerging" and "Merging" again, between "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ); and, "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ) - they seen to be a little hesitant - as to which they wanted to keep and decided their own.
If you are satisfied that "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) is NOT a Child (ie. does not fit) in the Family with Parents, "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ); and, Mother, "Eliza Porter SHERBOURNE' ( LRKR-LCM ), I would suggest the following:
"Restore" the "Deleted" individual/person "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ), from the "Merge"/"Combine".
See if "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) still appears as the 'Son", once you have "Restored" the "Deleted" individual/person "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ).
Now ...
If "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) still appears as the 'Son" of the "Restored" individual/person "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ); and, now, has two sets of parents; then, "Remove" the Parents of, Father, "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ); and, Mother, "Eliza Porter SHERBOURNE' ( LRKR-LCM ) from him.
Whereas, if "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) does not appear as the 'Son" of the "Restored" individual/person "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ); then, add him as the Father; and, now, as he will have two sets of parents; then, "Remove" the Parents of, Father, "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ); and, Mother, "Eliza Porter SHERBOURNE' ( LRKR-LCM ) from him.
Then, now, "Gerard Adolphis DOUGHERTY" ( KFRX-4K4 ) will NOT be linked/connected to the Parents of, Father, "John Alexander DOUGHERTY Sr" ( LRKR-2WT ); and, Mother, "Eliza Porter SHERBOURNE' ( LRKR-LCM ); whereas, he will at least have a Father, "John DOUGHERTY" ( GMR6-RQF ); but, no Mother.
That way, you do not lose what you have added, just "Changed" his Parents.
But ...
That said ...
Be sure you know that you are a certain as you can be, before you make such a "Change".
Remember it does not mean that, either, you; or, User/Patron "Terri lynn", are correct or not ...
Whatever you do, you need to be able to support any such "Change" with supporting evidence (ie. "Sources" or Records).
I hope this helps.
please clarify precisely what you are alluding to as "all of the work" that you dont want to lose.
FS is usually pretty good and not letting you lose your work.
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ive read in some posts here in the past where someone was upset becasue someone else did a merge with one of their relatives and it delted all the sources, notes, memories etc .... i also dont want to lose the relationships that i know to be a fact for Gerard. I just dont wanna mess anything up. I dont know for certain who Gerards parents were or what their names may have been... in addition to that unknown, idk if this man and woman may have been his parents and maybe somone added the wrong persons will record and siblinugs to fs tree....ugh idk what to do lol
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Ive done tons of merges
memories are not deleted (at least normally)
and most other things are not either
HOWEVER - the merge process has evolved over time how it works now - may have been different 5-10 years ago and it wouldnt surprise me that at some point it was deleting stuff
Try simple merges/corrections and keep progressing little by little
but you should not be afraid of a merge!
On the contrary - its nice when you get to the point that you feel comfortable merging or correcting relationships. :-)
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the thing that most people complain about - is when people replace a fact with a different fact
or replace a relationship with a different or new relationship
or add a relationship that you feel is in error or vice versa
things like this do happen - and more often then we'd like
and in this sense - it can be worrisome as to "losing stuff you have entered)
but this a collaborative system - in my opinion there is much more value - in learning to work with other people - rather then simply complain (for lack of a worse word) about all the bad things everyone else is doing. Most of the changes that annoy us are not done willfully wrong - we just need to work with others.
BUT I have yet to see a memories item that I posted get deleted based on the action of someone else.
or notes
a collaborative system - does have is pros and cons - but I like to focus on the positive
many people who "dont want to lose their work" - rely on a local database - like Rootsmagic, and many others that keep a local copy of the Family Tree - that they are in total control of
Thats what I do.
This is a topic that many people have some strong emotions about - you will find a wide range of responses
surely there are people that have an opposite opinion than I do.
But thats ok . .. . glad we live in a country where everyone can have their own opinion.
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. . . This is one reason that, especially for people on your direct, line - you should very seriously consider creating a Memories STORY record - where you can summarize what you know about this person and based on what and the research you have done and the records that were your sources.
This summary item will remain in the system (in Memories), untouched by anyone else, in tact and nicely summarized. ONLY YOU can delete or change it.
and it will always be there for OTHERS to see and potentially contact you.
I HIGHLY suggest this for people in your direct line -so that the valuable info you have contributed will NEVER be deleted or changed by anyone else.
@Carolyn Webber